Your Word is yea and amen,

I found it yea and amen.


"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119 stanza 105).

There are times when we find ourselves waking up anxious and discouraged and going to bed the same way. This can serve as a threat to our health as well as putting us at risk of damaging our witness for Christ in our day-to-day dealings with others. As humans, there is the tendency of our feelings dictating most of our actions. Feelings come and go. Christ's Word never changes. It is ever true and it does wonders. Hallelujah!

      It is most advisable to make the Word of God our companion, so that at every point in time we have an answer to every situation that comes our way.

The Bible says,

 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." (Psalms  119 stanza 11)

  As Christians, we have to fill our hearts with God's Word in order that we might not sin against Him. The Word in our spirit and properly used guarantees our victory over the enemy and his schemes.

  As we start our day with prayer and devotion, we still need His Word to lead us through the rest of our day. This enables us to walk in Christ-like faith and strength.

As His followers, we need to build a reservoir of God’s Truth in our hearts, memorizing Scripture to recall them when needed. As I said earlier, the Word of God in our spirit gives us the victory we need in our daily encounter with satanic forces.This was distinctly demonstrated at the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. Satan came to tempt Jesus who is the Living Word. Jesus overcame him with the Word, giving him an adequate answer to every of his temptation. This was not so with Eve who was a novice to the Word. She couldn't provide a ready answer to counter satan's schemes.

       As we internalize God’s Word richly, we become adequately armed with the Sword of the Spirit to deal victoriously with the challenges that come our way in life. God's Word truly works for them that believe.


  The Word of God is a lamp to my feet and light to my path. With it, my victory is guaranteed, in Jesus Mighty name.