"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." (Hebrews 13 verse 8, King James Version).

That our God remains who He is in spite of the changing circumstances or events of life is soothing and encouraging. Precious to us is the assurance that the Lord changes not. There are other verses of Scriptures to the same effect, some of which are:

"For I am the LORD, I change not;"

 (Malachi 3 verse 6)

"But  thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end." (Psalms 102 verse 27; see also Hebrews 1 verse 12).

     Only God is immutable, with whom there's no variableness or shadow of turning (Hebrews 6 verse 17 and James 1 verse 17). To us that put our trust in Him, nothing can be as assuring!

      If Christ were not the same yesterday, and today and forever, how could we rely on Him? If the Lord was erratic and unstable in His character; if He says yes today and tomorrow, He says no, there would be no encouragement to rely on Him.   If Christ were a fickle and vacillating Being, who would know what to depend on? How would you know what to expect hereafter? If Christ were not unchanging in character, I bet you, no one will for sure know how to live to please Him.

     One of the greatest benefits of having Christ the same yesterday and today and forever, is that we can hold on and persevere until He makes good His promises to us. The implication of it all is that as He helped and fulfilled Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Joseph, Moses, Paul, Peter and others, whether in the Old Testament or in the New Testament, He's sure ready to help you today under the same circumstances.

      The sweet testimonies of God's faithfulness to His people of old remain available to us today. Whatever be his attributes of old, they still are. He changes not in  power, glory, wisdom, justice and truth. There's no increase or decrease with God as regards His attributes. He's utterly reliable! He remains our ever present Help in times of trouble. As He was refuge, stronghold and strength to His people of old, He is to us today and forever. The assertion of sameness in the past, the present and the future to God is His sole prerogative. No one else, apart from the Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

     All glory to Him in the Highest!

   Be rest assured dearly beloved! The One who is your God is reliable and trustworthy. What's more, under the current dispensation, He's committed Himself to do much more than He's ever done. Let your hope and courage in Him remain steadfast. You're testifying very soon, in Jesus' Mighty Name.


Thank You Father for being the same yesterday and today and forever. This gives me hope and courage that I will find You as You've always been.