"And it shall come to pass, that the man's rod, whom l shall choose, shall blossom:..." - Numbers 17:5

The seventeenth chapter of the book of Numbers reveals some outstanding spiritual truths that we need to know as this will help us to understand the awesomeness of our God and His power at work toward us. Against the backdrop of Israel's rebellion before God and His servants, the Lord decided to put an end to it in a most convincing way. He requested Moses to place in the tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony, till the next day, 12 dry rods or walking sticks. Each rod represented the 12 tribes of Israel, with Aaron's rod representing the tribe of Levi.

   God said that the rod of the man chosen will be differentiated as it will sprout. The next day, Aaron's rod did not only bud, but blossomed and produced ripe almonds. The major factor that differentiated Aaron's rod from the rest was that God had chosen him!

     Friend, do you know that as Aaron was chosen, God also chose you? Jesus speaking in John 15:16 said: "... I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit..." As Aaron's rod blossomed, so shall your life blossom in Jesus name.

       Aaron's rod was dead; but it resurrected by the power of God for two reasons:

     (1) It was placed in God's presence. You will agree from scriptures that Jesus being the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25) no one who came before Him went back the same. The situation remains true today.  "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forevermore" (Hebrews 13:8). No matter how bad your situation may be, as you let Him be your dwelling place, not forsaking the assembling together of ourselves, the resurrection power of God will minister to your need, in Jesus name.

       (2) The second reason Aaron's rod budded was because he was "chosen" by God. That same God having "chosen you" (John 15:16), will bring about your differentiation in Jesus name. He will also bring about a change into your dismal circumstances, in Jesus name. That situation of yours that had defied solution is giving way now in Jesus name, amen.


Father, with you all things are possible; may you minister life to my dead and unpleasant situations in Jesus name, amen