"And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." - John 14:13,14 (KJV).

It's often believed by many that these Scriptures are talking about prayer. A thousand times, no! The Lord Jesus wasn't talking about prayer when He made these statements. As a believer, you will see better results in your walk with the Lord when you have knowledge and understanding!

   In order to fully understand what the Lord Jesus was talking about in these verses, let's consider yet another of Jesus' statements in the same Gospel of Saint John.

"And  in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." -John 16: 23,24 (KJV).

In these two Scriptures, John 14:13,14 and John 16:23,24, the Lord Jesus wasn't saying the same thing, but two different things. In John 16:23 He said, "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." But in John 14:13, 14, He said "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it."  Here, He was talking about Himself doing whatsoever we ask in His name. Actually, the Greek rendering of the word "ask" in these verses in John 14:14,14 means "demand". The Lord Jesus was in effect saying "Whatsoever ye shall demand in my name, that will I do."

In actual fact, the authority in the name of Jesus works Godward

 and satanward. Godward, Jesus Name enables us to ask the Father for favors in line with the Word. This is what John 16:23, 24 is saying. Satanward, Jesus Name enables us to place a demand on the devil as of right, in line with what Jesus has accomplished for us on the Cross of Calvary. This, on the other hand is what John 14:13,14 is saying.

      When we pray in Jesus Name to the Father, it's like Jesus Himself praying to the Father. The Father considers us exactly as He does Jesus. As He heard Jesus always (Jn 11:41,42), He hears us always also. On the other hand, when we put our demands on the devil in Jesus name, the devil accords us the same honor and respect as he does Jesus. Hallelujah!

    In other words, whilst John 16:23, 24 is talking about prayer (asking for favor from the Father, in line with the provisions of the Word of God), John 14:13, 14 on the other hand isn't talking about prayer, but placing on the devil demands as of right, in line with what Jesus has done for us on the Cross of Calvary. Here, in John 14:13, 14, while we place our demands on the devil in the Name of Jesus by way of command, in John 16:23, 24, we entreat or ask for favors (not by demand) from the Father in the Name of Jesus and in line with the Word of God.

Now, let's observe the practical application of these two verses:

In Jn 14:13,14, we place a demand on the devil by commanding him; for instance when we're experiencing financial difficulties, by saying "satan I command you to take your hands off my finances, in Jesus name"; or when ministering to the sick, you say " I rebuke you demon of infirmity and I command that you (the sick) be healed, in Jesus name". Here, we note that we are not addressing God but satan; actually, we are placing a demand on the devil as of right in line with what Jesus has done for us. On the other hand, and as regards Jn 16:23-24, we don't place a demand on God, but rather, we entreat Him in prayer for favors; saying for instance, "Father, provide money to finance my education, in Jesus name", or "Father, release your angels to watch over me as I sleep tonight, in Jesus name."

As we note these two different uses of the Name of Jesus, may our prayer lives receive extraordinary vigor in Jesus name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me to know and to apply the authority in the Name of Jesus properly in relation to you and in relation to my adversary the devil.