The Shepherd of my soul

I give You full control

Wherever You may lead

I will follow. I have made my choice, to listen for Your voice

Wherever You may lead, I will go.


 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" Psalm 23:1

      This verse, in particular,  "The Lord is my shepherd," tells us that if we have God, we have everything we need. The Shepherd sees to the provisions of the sheep. He takes them to where there are green pastures in order for them to be well fed.

  The writer of this book of Psalm

was not a novice when it came to the things of God. He had an experiential knowledge of God. He had tasted God and had found Him able and worthy. He says, "The Lord is", not  "was", not "may be", nor "will be". It's "The Lord is my shepherd." That is to say, He is on Sunday, on Monday, and through the days of the week. He is in January, in December, and all through the months of the year. He is when we are at home and in the workplace, school or business place. He is in times of peace and in times of war, and in times of abundance or poverty.

 "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Heb.13.5.

God has assured us of His abiding presence. Hence, we can be confident that He will always show up for us and give us victory over every  circumstances of our lives.

 He is always out to ensure that our lives and all that belongs to us are in proper shapes and conditions.

He silently does great things for us, and the object of His omniscient care is to ensure that all is well with us. As our shepherd, God Himself decides to be our Pilot, Sailor, Driver, and Director through every journey of our lives, as much as we are yielded to Him.

We will do ourselves a great deal of good to know and dwell with this understanding that, indeed He is our shepherd, we shall want nothing at all.


The Lord God Almighty is the shepherd of my soul. I shall not want anything and shall not be afraid of anyone, in Jesus name.