Shepherd of my soul

I give You full control

Wherever You may lead

I will follow. I have made my choice, to listen for Your voice

Wherever You may lead, I will go.


He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom” -  Isaiah 40:11.

  The Bible says "He shall gather the lambs with his arm,..." This gracious words can only be spoken of the Good Shepherd. He carries the lambs in his bosom because of His tender heartedness. He meets with every and any needs confronting us, His children because our sighs, our ignorance, our feebleness as His flock melt His heart and draw forth his compassion. It is His character, as a faithful and loving Savior, to consider our weakness and show us  compassion. Besides, He bought us with His owm precious blood.

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;" - Eph.1:7. (See also 1Pet.1:18-19)

 Having bought us, we have become His property. He cares for us because we cost Him so much, so He can not exchange us for anything else. He takes responsibility for whatever happens to each and every one of us and ensures our safety, to the end that no one is lost.

 "While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled." - John 17:12.

 In Him, we are cared for with an unusual degree of love to the envy and admiration of others. His boundless affection cannot be compared to any other. We are so near to Him that nothing hurts us without first hurting the Shepherd (Col 3:3; Acts 17:28). His tender heartedness as our Shepherd is incomparable. Hallelujah!


Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your tender heartedness as our Shepherd. Our security is in You and by You, forever and ever, amen.