He loves me oo

I can not say why

He died on the cross

Just for you and me

He gave His own life

As a ransom for many

He loves me oo

I can not say why


I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep...“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me" (John chapter 10 verses 11 to 14)

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, seeks the interest and the well-being of His flock. He never considers the interest of Himself; rather, it's the interest and the safety of His sheep that He considers. He never pursues His own personal gains, but the gains of His sheep. He laid down His life for His sheep in order to save them from destruction and to ensure their eternal well-being.

      God wants His sheep to be properly informed and to be aware of the  evil happening around the world. As the sheep of His pastures, He does not want us to be misled by falsehood. He wants us to be aware of the devil's deception. Being the Good Shepherd, the Lord desires that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him. The Good Shepherd goes before his sheep, bidding them to follow him, and ever leading them onward with the sweet Word.

    He is not like the hired man who foresees danger, runs, and leaves the sheep at peril. The hired hand does not care for the sheep as much as the Good Shepherd does. In Luke 15 verse 4 the Lord illustrated His care for the sheep saying, "What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?"

    The Good Shepherd seeks out the sheep that has left the fold and is roaming about with no sense of direction and belonging. He brings such a one back home.

    Two times in the book of John Jesus said that He is the Good Shepherd (John chapter 10 verses 11 and 14). Having Jesus as our Good Shepherd, we must be ready to walk and to be led by the Holy One.

 Thanks be to God for the grace that has been made available in Christ Jesus; which has found us and brought us into the fold. Glory be to Jesus for His infinite love and to God for the Holy Spirit that has brought us restoration.


Lord, I cherish Your presence so greatly. Never You leave me or forsake me as You have so dearly promised me, in Jesus name.