" Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the Finger of God: ... " -  Exo 8:19

God is the Author of signs, wonders and miracles! Indeed, l make bold to say that His path is lined with them for those that follow Him.

          The encounter which Moses the man of God had with the magicians of Egypt is an eye opener to the practicability of deception from the pit of hell. The Bible has warned us about the existence of signs and wonders orchestrated by the devil to deceive people. " For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect " (Mat 24:24) See also Rev 13:13, 2 Thess 2:9-11. This is a gullible generation that falls for every sign and for every wonder, presupposing that God is involved in them. Nay! The Bible is replete with warnings that gents of darkness do signs and wonders. "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -  2 Cor 11:14. This calls for carefulness please!

          Back to the incident in Egypt. Perhaps, the Egyptian magicians thought or supposed Moses and Aaron to be one of their kind. But they soon came to discover that no man could do these miracles that they (Moses and Aaron) did "except God be with him"  (John 3:2).

          As God's children, we must understand that God permits evil spirits to manifest themselves in a certain way, that men may see that there is a spiritual world and therefore be on their guard against seduction and deception. He, at the same time shows that all these agents of darkness are under His control, that men may have confidence in His goodness and power!

          Friend, beware of signs and wonders! Try every spirit to see whether it be of God because many false prophets are gone out into the world (1 John 4:1). By their fruits, Jesus said, ye shall know them! (Mat 7:20).

The presence of the "fake"  is evidence that there's the "original". That there's a "duplicate" means that the "original" exists! God still does miracles, signs and wonders!

The Lord Jesus promised that they will follow those that believe Him - Mk 16:17-18; Jn 14:12. Don't be like those that follow after signs and wonders! The Lord Jesus says rather, that they (signs and wonders) will follow us who believe in Him! Isn't it true therefore to conclude that when you run after signs and wonders, it's evidence that you are an unbeliever? Selah!

       Child of God, you must always recollect that the end times are here and satan is flooding everywhere with the "fake", aiming to deceive and lure men from the Truth! Don't fall prey to his deceptive antics! BEWARE!

      Have a blessed day as you think about these things!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I refuse to follow after signs and wonders; rather, I'm grateful that you make them follow after me. Be blessed Lord forever, in Jesus mighty name.