"For ye have need of patience, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise", (Hebrews chapter 10 verse 36, King James Version).

Patience, like as I said, is simply the ability to remain under a situation until God gets you out of it. It is a Christian virtue that is ministered to the believer by the indwelling Spirit of God.

     Christians generally don't make haste like others do. We rely and wait on God. We are a patient stock, never in a hurry. The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah chapter 28 verse 16 as follows:

"Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste."

      Let's be reminded that the "Foundation" or Stone" referred to in this verse is the Lord Jesus Christ, God's given Messiah. This verse says that "... he that believeth (on Him) shall not make haste." (emphasis added). As believers in Christ Jesus, we are called to exhibit the character of a calm repose at His Feet, one that is marked by patience, stillness, trust and faith.

     Another Scripture that's of the same tone is found in the same Book of Isaiah chapter 52 verse 12. It says as follows:

       "For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward."

     What most people don't understand is that Christianity is an exchanged life in Christ. Briefly summarized, these are the basic exchanges we enjoy in Christ: (1) Our sin for His Righteousness (2) God's wrath for God's acceptance (3) Death for Life (4) Our weakness for His Strength.

       As Christians, most of the time, we want to be seen doing something for God when we need to let Him work on our behalf. (see Philippians chapter 2 verse 13).

In Psalms 46 stanza 10, the Lord speaks saying,

"Be still, and know that I am God:" (see also Job chapter 37 verse 14)

        As God's children, the earlier we begin to appreciate and understand the marvelous power there is in stillness, the better it is for us. We are often in such a hurry - we feel we must be doing something for God - so that we are in danger of not giving Him a chance to work for us. I can assure you that God never says to us, “Stand still,” or “Sit still,” or “Be still,” or "Wait for Me", unless there's something He is planning to do for us.

       God has one eternal purpose concerning us, which is that we should be like His Son Jesus Christ (see Romans chapter 8 verse 29); and in order that this may be so, we must be patient, still or passive before Him. But on the contrary, we hear or see so much about activity, especially when we see or hear others around us fervently or dexterously in the busy mode for God. At such times, we feel we are missing out and that we need to be seen doing something for God. I believe that we need to take some lessons on what it is to be patient, quiet or still before the Lord, so He can work out His best in and for us.

       When God is out to do a great work in our lives, it is sometimes necessary to put us out of action or activity by putting us to stillness. For instance, He put Adam to sleep in order to bring forth Eve (see Genesis chapter 2 verse 21). He also made Israel to be quiet,  but to give a shout at the appropriate time in order to achieve the much desired victory in the battle of Jericho (see Joshua chapter 6 verses 10 and 20).

      Therefore, be patient, be still before the Lord. There's something beautiful that He wants to accomplish in your life. He has His perfect timing as regards your affairs. Cease from interrupting or hindering Him from doing or perfecting His marvelous work in your life. God is known to make all things beautiful in His time. In the meantime, remain His Child, focus on doing His will first and then expect Him to fulfill His promise to you. This is what it takes to wait properly on God.


I stay still waiting on You, Lord. I believe and trust that You will work out Your best for me at the end of the day, in Jesus name.