You are too much,

You are too much for me.

You are too much, that's why I worship You


 "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." - Psalm.50:10.

  Our Heavenly Father has the command of all the beasts of the forest and the cattle upon a thousand hills. Psalms 50:9,10. He has an incontestable dominion over each and every one, He has them all always under His Eye and within His reach and can make use of anyone He pleases at any time.  They all wait on Him and are all at His disposal.

  Psalms 50:11,12. Our God is the all-sufficient God. There is no lack in His house; "the cattle upon a thousand hills" are His

     Why then should we who are created in His likeness and imagine mourning when we are supposed to rejoice and feast upon His abundance?

 "l will say unto God my rock, Why hast thou forgotten me? why go I mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?" - 


Why yield to gloomy anticipations as if we do not know what God has said and has done for you and I in Christ Jesus? Who told you and I that the night would never end in the day? Don't you know that day follows after night? Hope and trust ever in God who fails not.

    I want you to know that  God loves you in the midst of all your troubles. For His love is as true to you now as it was in those brightest moments of your life. Rejoice even while passing through the furnace, for your God is coming forth soonest. He is the God that makes the wilderness blossom like the rose, the desert to spring up water as the fountain; for these light afflictions will soon be over, and you shall sing a new song. Hallelujah!      

      Faint not, fear not. His arms are ever near, He changes not. You remain very dear to Him. Only believe and you shall see the salvation of the Lord. Your  joy is springing forth, and your mourning shall be over, in Jesus Mighty name.


Thank You Heavenly Father for in You I can never lack any good thing in life, in Jesus Mighty name.