"... and ye shall be witnesses unto me..."   (Acts of Apostles Chapter 1 verse 8, King James Version)

There's so much to say about this Scripture, but in relation to our topic, I confine myself to how this verse is an expression of Jesus' desire for us to be His representatives. I want you to note that Jesus did not say, "You will witness," which is what a lot of religious people say today. Rather, He said, "You will be... witnesses. " In other words, it is not just about the words we speak or the tracts that we hand out as we embark on evangelizing the world; but that by the totality of our lives, we are to be witnesses to Jesus and the truth of the Gospel. In other words, we are to be His representatives here on earth.

       In the earlier parts to these series, we spoke extensively on God's desire for us to be Christ's representation and His representatives here on earth. We had before now pointed out that to be His representative means I am authorized; and to be His representation means I am His image, His expression.The part 3 to these series is where we talked on how to become Christ's representation. Today, we are going to show how to be Christ's representative here on earth.

       To be His representative is something promised us but conferred on us by Him. It is something that is contingent on our having effectively attained to the state of being Christ's representation because God will not confer power and authority on someone whom He cannot trust. In John chapter 2 verse 24, Jesus didn't commit Himself to some men, though they were believers, because He couldn't trust them. The question is, can you allow God to fashion you until people not only see Him in you but that He also holds you out as His agent, working with you, and confirming the Word with signs following? (Mark chapter 16 verse 20). Actually, God wants you before He wants your service. In other words, before we can become His representative, we must first and foremost have been sufficiently crafted to look, and be like Him. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos chapter 3 verse 3)

      Without doubt, being His representative is Christ's desire for us, seeing that it carries along with it power and authority to act on His behalf.

    In the account of the Book of Luke chapter 9, the Lord Jesus had taken Peter, John and James to a mountain to pray. The Bible says that as the Lord prayed, He was transfigured before them. On the next day when they came down from the mountain, a man besought Jesus to heal his son after His disciples had attempted but failed to heal him. Jesus' response to the disciples is instructive. He said,

O faithless and perverse generation, how long am I to be with you and bear with you?”(Luke chapter 9 verse 41, Revised Standard Version.)

     The lesson here is that Jesus knew that He would soon be taken away from the world and should that be so, His disciples were to stand in for Him, representing Him. It was to this end that the Spirit was shed.

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me...", Jesus says (Acts of Apostles Chapter 1 verse 8, King James Version).


Father, I rejoice and I'm grateful because You have enabled me to be Christ's representation and His representative.