Jesus' people, come together, let your light shine

Share your love with one another, let your light shine

Let no difference grow between you, let your light shine

Let the Spirit flow within you,  let your light shine

O let it shine shine shine

Come on and let your light shine

O let it shine shine shine

Come on and let your light shine


Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven” (Matthew chapter 5 verse 16, Amplified Classic)

There is an adage that says, "to whom much is given much is expected."

The world needs you and I, for it to be in a proper state.

  So much has been deposited in you and I as bona-fide children of the Most High God. Things of great value, such as Christian values, moral excellence, and many more, have been planted in us for the benefit of the Church and the world at large.

Have you ever experienced thick darkness in a room?  What happens when light is suddenly turned on? The darkness expiates immediately. Even if the light is as small as a mere flicker, the darkness must definitely give way. This is a simple illustration of what it means when Jesus says, “Ye are the light of the world…” (Matthew chapter 5 verse 14).

     The Bible says further that you "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew chapter.5 verse 16)

This literally means that people should be able to see the Person of Christ in you. The way we conduct ourselves in the affairs of God and men should be a clear definition of our persons. There ought to be a marked difference between the Christian and the people of the world. When we come into a place, our presence must emit a pleasant fragrance that announces the presence of Christ that should serve to attract men unto Him.

      What signal does your presence emit in your neighborhood? Does it reflect before men the good image of Christ? This is a big question we need to ask ourselves. Our lifestyles and dispositions should serve to  bring men to Christ rather than estrange or repel them from Him.  Are we a true representation and representatives of Christ's Person?  Though a market woman or man, you are not left out of this. Do we shine our light as it's expected?

     The Word of God says no one lights a candle and put it under a bowl or basket, but on the candlestick.

 "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." - Matthew chapter 5 verse 15.

     You and I can make a great difference today by deciding to truly represent Christ before this dark world. 


I am grateful to the Lord for His light that is in me. I'm going to shine it for everyone to see, in the Mighty name of Jesus.