" Dearly beloved, l beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshy lusts, which war against the soul; " - 1 Peter 2:11

. Christians have been reminded often that they are strangers and pilgrims here on earth (see Ps 39:12, 119:19; Heb 11:13; 1Ch 29:15). The word stranger connotes one who is out of his country, who resides in a foreign country. A pilgrim is one who sojourns in a place only for a time, not intending to take up his abode in that place, nor to get naturalized in that country. This is what God expects of us here on earth.

According to Prof T Ade Martins, "Christians are not citizens of earth trying to get to heaven but citizens of heaven making their way through this world."

      But how many use these expressions "stranger" and "pilgrim", professing to be such here on earth, and yet the entirety of their conduct, spirit, and attachments depict the contrary! They show by their lifestyles that they are permanently at home here on earth. Let this serve as a wake up call to us that the proper conduct we are to exhibit here on earth is that of a foreigner! We are not properly citizens of this world; our citizenship is in heaven, the Bible reminds us (Phil 3:20)

     The knowledge of this wholesome truth should serve to caution us not to entangle our affections with earthly things, but like the saints of old, to seek "...  a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." - Hebrews 11:16;  "...  a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." - Hebrews 11:10.

         Others may spend all their endeavor in acquiring earthly property and comfort, and neglect the issue of the salvation of their souls; but the Christian endeavors to conduct his affairs here on earth with the consciousness of who he is and that he properly belongs to heaven. Others may by their lifestyles show they are not strangers here, they are here at home; they are not pilgrims, they are seeking an earthly possession: but for us, heaven is our home, heaven is our possession! We must affirm this constantly and remember that all kinds of earthly desires, be it of the flesh or of the eye or the pride of life are not of God (see 1Jn 2:15-17); and that these make up what the Bible calls "fleshy lusts". They are said to "war" against the soul; either to slay it or to capture it to the obedience of the 'prince of this world', the devil. This, we should know, is the object of every earthly and sensual desire!

     As you make up your mind to be heavenly conscious, you are in effect living the way God expects of you.  Remember that your citizenship (conversation, KJV) is in heaven (Phil 3:20) and that you are merely here on earth in transit as a pilgrim or stranger (1Pet 2:11) and that God expects you to live accordingly!

 Have a blessed day


I confess that I am a pilgrim and a stranger here on earth and that my citizenship is in heaven. I live in this consciousness and by God's grace my life is pleasing unto the LORD, in Jesus name.