I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful song.

I will praise His Name, for the Lord is good.


 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." - Philippian chapter.4 verse 4.

It is our duty and a great privilege as believers to rejoice in the Lord and to do so always. There is so much in the Lord God to be furnished with as far as joy and rejoicing are concerned. Again, in Philippians chapter 3 verse 1, the Bible says, "Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord." The Scripture for the day says it again, Rejoice in the Lord alway and again, I say Rejoice.

     To rejoice in the Lord is a command to every Christian, and it has a great consequence. Being born again brings us into a spiritual walk with God. To us that are born again, the joy of the Lord is the token of our connectedness to God. Losing  joy, therefore, is on the other hand the token of disconnection from God. May we never be disconnected from God in Jesus’ name.

      We all know that a genuine conversion to Christianity would cause a forceful separation and disconnection from the world.This will naturally lead to rejection, persecution, and diverse temptations from adversaries. Therefore, the joy of the Lord is provided as an offensive weapon of consolation, encouragement, and strength in the face of persecution. By way of confirmation, Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 tells us that joy of the Lord is our strength. That is why our verse for today tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

        God commanded His people to rejoice, He was not giving a suggestion; neither did He make it a matter of choice. We are compelled to rejoice in the Lord as a necessary ingredient to the Christian faith. It is needful in affliction, and it brings comfort and strength to press forward in times of trouble.


Father, please fill my heart with your heavenly joy. That is all I need from You today and forever more in Jesus' Mighty name.