"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: ..." - Acts 1:8

Thanks be to the Lord Jesus for the events that marked this year's Pentecost. For us in Kaduna Nigeria, it was awesome! The preparation for this week-long event, among other things, kept us focused more on the Holy Spirit and His ministry in the Church.

     In the Assemblies of God Church, Nigeria, the parent body of the Church l pastor, we had a teaching programme for the members on "Pentecostal Champions of Fire". The lessons were very elucidating and fruit yielding. From Friday May 22nd, 2023 to Sunday May 28th, 2023, the ministers of the local Churches taught their congregants on the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Promise of the Father. This was to sensitize and to prepare their members for the actual event on Pentecost Sunday.

     In my local branch, I report that over 85% of the membership was filled with the Holy Ghost, including children! The same testimonies we heard from other branches of the Church. All go to show that the Lord was everywhere celebrating and commemorating the event of Pentecost with the Church. God bless the leadership of the Church and the ministers of the Gospel for putting themselves in God's Hand for Him to use.

      Friend, the replication of the event of Pentecost in the year 2023 after over two thousand years of its debut in the upper room in the City of Jerusalem, points to the awesome faithfulness of our LORD GOD.

    Between Joel 2:28, when God promised to pour out His Spirit and Acts 2:1-4, when the Promise was fulfilled on the day Pentecost, is about 787 years. If the Lord did not forget to make good His promise that lasted for 787 years, what makes you think that He will forget to make good His promise to you? Cheer up, dearly beloved child of God. Our God is faithful and never forgets to make good His promises.

      Since Pentecost, the Lord has been pouring out of His Spirit upon His people. Yesterday, the 28th day of May 2023, being Pentecost Sunday, we experienced Him like the day of Pentecost over 2000 years ago. Hallelujah!


  To Jesus therefore be all glory and praise! Amen.