I have found my resting place in Him

I have found my resting place in Him.


"With thee is the fountain of life” - Psalm 36:9

 "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:" - Col.2.9 -10

 Most times in our moments of spiritual despondency, human counsel or sympathy, or other forms of human activities, may not be adequate enough to comfort or help us.

God sometimes takes away everything upon which we have depended, to the end that He may drive us to Himself. This, in other words, is to get our attention or focus. Like the prodigal son who left the comfort of his father in search of his love for the  cares of the world, we likewise can make the mistake of craving for the things of the world and some other activities which may look in the sight of men as good but not so in the sight of God. Anything that comes between us and God becomes an idol.

The prodigal son was faced with a severe famine in the land that he sojourned. God allowed it so that it may make him to seek for a way of relief.

 He could not find sustenance anywhere else until  he came back to his father’s bosom. He was able to find safety and provisions in his coming back home. There must always be a coming back home in the life of every child of God who has gone astray.

 The best position for a Christian is living wholly and directly on God’s grace and abiding in His presence. We should never, for a moment, think that we can do anything on our own.

 "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." - John.15:5.

Whoever or whatever we are or may be in the Christian faith today, whether in sanctification or with respect to the graces of God or maturity of faith, is a direct consequence of our abiding in what Christ has done. He offered a full atonement on our behalf. Therefore, we have been saved, and made to be complete in Him. We do not need to do  anything per se on our own but just to trust and rest upon the merits of Jesus. He is the fountain of life.

"With thee is the fountain of life” Psalm 36:9.

 Beloved, at any time we thirst, we can be rest assured of our provisions in Him.

 "In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." - John.7.37.

Jesus is also the Fount of providence. My beloved brethren, hear you the voice of our Redeemer as he cries to each of us, “IF ANY MAN THIRST, LET HIM COME UNTO ME AND DRINK.” - Jn 7:37


Thank You, Heavenly Father, for in You, I find my rest from the crisis that abound in the world, in Jesus' name.