Jesus can do all things,

O yes, He can do all things,

O yes!


"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John chapter 16 verse 33, New Living Translation).

Looking at our world today, I see so many people on the verge of giving up. They’re worried about the future, hyped about the present situation, and so ashamed about their terrible past. All of these have resulted in some kind of traumatic emotional problems and have also affected their spirits, hindering them from becoming all that God has called them to be.

     These and more were the reasons why Jesus Christ came. He has taken away all our pain, struggle, and shame. He is the answer to all our cares. He comes into our lives with grace, peace, and joy. When we place our faith in Him and He comes into our lives, we have no reason to fear anymore. Hallelujah!

      It is surprising that so many people today, even Christians, are living under the oppression of fear and worry. I think the reason is that their faith is not properly grounded in the Word of God. Besides, there are others who have come into Christ for reasons far fetched from the complete surrender of their lives to the Son of the Living God! Examples abound of those that trust Jesus as their Savior, but not as their Lord. These trust Him for what they can get from Him, and are not ready to submit their lives to His Lordship. They seek Him for bread only.

  "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.", says the Lord in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33,

      Yes, God will add to us every other thing if we seek Him first. This is where some people have gotten it wrong. They forget that when we mind His business, He will mind ours also.

 In Christ Jesus, we are overcomers. Jesus overcame and gave us His victory to enjoy. As a child of God, you can tell the world and the enemy, “I’m a winner, Christ has made me a winner."

       This day, make it your determination to live in the joy of Jesus Christ, trusting fully that He has made everything anew for you because He already has overcome and obtained victory for you. Hallelujah!


It doesn't matter what I see happening right now. I'm in Christ Jesus and in Him, I've been made more than conquerors. Everything is lining up for me according to God's Word, in Jesus name.