"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:... " - Acts 1:8

Pentecost is a moment never to be forgotten in Church history and in her life as the Body of Christ. Pentecost, if I may say, has revolutionized our relationship with God! With Pentecost, a new dimension, which is of power is introduced into our communion with God. To us who have taken advantage of this phenomenon, it's awesome and has become indispensable, with much gains attendant thereto.

 But what do we do with the gains? We have seen many baptised by the Lord in the Holy Spirit, confirming His word through Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29). We have also seen healings, miracles, signs & wonders in line with scriptures. I think that it is wise rather to consolidate the "dividends or gains of Pentecost".

     I have said often that one thing is to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, it's another thing altogether to retain or maintain Him in us! Indeed, l make bold to say that it's much easier to be baptized in the Holy Spirit than to keep His presence in us. While baptism in the Holy Spirit requires simple faith in the finished work of God's Christ, keeping aglow the flame of the fire of the Holy Spirit in us requires a conscious effort on our part to the end that He is not only retained in us, but that His influence in and over us becomes overwhelming! This, definitely is the intention of Jesus, the Baptiser in the Holy Spirit.

       Scriptures counsel us not to quench the Spirit (l Thessalonians 5:19), not to grieve the Spirit (Ephesians 4:30), but rather be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). We must understand that the Holy Spirit is a very sensitive Personality. He, being God, hates sin in every of its dimensions. The most welcome path open to us now to thread on is that of cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord (ll Corinthians 7:1).

        In my life as a Christian and as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have experienced the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit, to qualify me to give counsel. A vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit is basically the result of concerted discipline! To be full of God's Power, you need to discipline yourself to speak in other tongues regularly, to be a student of the word of God,to  forsake not the assembling together of saints, to cultivate the habit of being in constant fellowship with Jesus on a daily basis, to be regularly conscious of His presence, and to forsake sin. As you do these, you will experience not only a life of power, but that of a daily replication and manifestation of Pentecost in your life. Hallelujah!

      Friend, don't wait till the month of June when we commemorate Pentecost! You can choose to experience Pentecost on a daily basis. Learn to enter into each day in the power of the Holy Spirit, to live through it in the same strength and ability; and you are assured of leaps and bounds of both spiritual and material dividends of Pentecost, in Jesus name.

     Have a blessed day!


Father, thank you for the outpouring of your Spirit upon me in line with your promise. I receive the ability to maintain Him in my life, in Jesus name.