"Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" (Jeremiah 32 verse 17)

Our devotion for today is to the end that you should never give up on God. At a time in the history of the people of God, things looked terribly bad and hopeless that speaking of recovery was compared to an impossibility. Like the episode at the valley of dry bones, where Ezekiel could not tell if the dry bones could ever live again (Ezekiel 37 verse 3), Jeremiah became disillusioned and apprehensive of the future of Israel. God therefore took time to allay the prophet's fears by asking him to buy a piece of land at a time when it was considered not only unwise to do so, but also witless when captivity into Babylon stared them in the face. The crux of God's Word for Jeremiah was that He still had plans for Israel.

    Whatever may be your state of life as a child of God, remember that God has a future for you. God is committed to giving you a beautiful life, despite that your present situation may look bleak and hopeless. Rather than looking at your dismal circumstances, look unto Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith. God has a plan for your life which can never be scuttled by the enemy. Hear Him,

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."  (Jeremiah 29 verse 11)

       It's great to hear that despite your current morose and sullen situation of life, a beautiful future lies ahead of you and that what you are going through now doesn't represent the end of the story. God has greater plans for you. You may not have seen the fullest fulfillment of your aspirations, yet, there are tender mercies from God toward you on a daily basis to keep you on till the time comes for the fulfillment of His grand purpose toward you.

   Rather than giving up on God or opting for disillusionment and despair, it's wiser to be patient and to be hopeful to the end! (Hebrews 6 verse 11; 1st Peter 1 verse 13). God will never want to be seen to have failed in your life. Refuse therefore to faint or to give up, but rather, choose to live your life, believing to see God's goodness come to pass for you in the land of the living (Psalms 27 verse 13). If God didn't fail the saints of old who were in worse conditions of life than you, what makes you think that He will fail you? Don't buy into the devil's lie that your condition is too bad for God to redeem or that He has forgotten about you. I believe that someone reading this devotional this morning is listed for a sudden turnaround, and I believe also that it's you that the Lord has chosen to favor, in Jesus mighty name.

Merry Christmas in arrears and wishing you a very blissful new year in advance.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I refuse to give up on You. I wait patiently on You, believing for a greater future for me, in Jesus name.