I don't worry, l don't care, l know my Lord is on my side

I don't worry, l don't care, l know my Lord is on my side

I don't worry, l don't care, l know my Lord is on my side

I know my Lord will carry me through.


 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind." ( Second Timothy chapter 1 verse 17).

The word 'fear' means an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. It's usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight. But the Bible makes us understand that God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

     Fear is a false imagination of the heart, not true most times. It's fake evidence posing as real. It's a tool of the Devil to destabilize the children of God. Just as the Bible says, that the Devil is like a roaring lion, not the real lion, but he's like one.

     Fear usually makes us go by the tradition of men and would not allow us to follow God's pattern. It has the potential to make us discredit the Word of God. This can cause us to doubt God. Not believing the Word of our Creator stands as an insult to His personality and integrity, after having done so much for us in Christ Jesus.

Truth is, no one enslaved by fear can be rich, free or enjoy the fullness of all that God has provided for us in Christ Jesus.

  Fear is not of God because God is Love and there's no fear in love. The Bible recognizes that fear has torment and we know that torments don't come from God. The Devil is responsible for torments. He enjoys tormenting God's Children. According to the Bible,

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." (First John Chapter 4 verse 18).

   Usually, fear is accompanied by many questions such as, "Should I go or not?" “What if I fail?” “What if they don’t like me?” “What if I make a mistake?”

        Anyone enslaved by fear has the tendency to miss out on the good things God has for such a one because fear can lead to distraction and setbacks. Let me try to proffer answers to those questions asked above. "What if you go and everything goes well? “What if you do succeed?” “What if they do like you?” “What if you do it better than anyone else?”

   As believers in Christ Jesus and full of the Holy Spirit, being the Spirit of power, love and of a sound mind, we should never allow fear to rule over us. Hallelujah!


I am not afraid because I have the Spirit of God dwelling on the inside of me. For greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world, in Jesus Mighty name.