This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine (3 times)

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


"And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents,... He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord,...

Then he which had received the one talent came and said,... And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine." ( Matthew 25 verses 20 to 30)

As I said in our previous message, when we have prayed asking God for guidance, the next thing to do is to examine our hearts and our abilities to know the areas of our calling. Sometimes, whatever we love to do are  most likely the areas that our strengths lie. In other words, our passions can be very good pointers to the areas  of our calling.

 It's most likely that you are gifted in encouraging others or in the ministry of hospitality. Think of the way you can use this gift to bring comfort or joy unto those who are weary or who may be in need around you, especially those in the same household of faith.

Considering the community around us, we discover that  there are numerous opportunities to serve. We can volunteer in our localities to teach the young ones ethical values or simply extend a hand of kindness to a neighbor who may be going through certain challenges. It may be as simple as offering a kind word of encouragement or inviting a neighbor to dinner. Every act of service is a reflection of God's love amounting to the use of His talents at our disposal.

Dare to be like the two servants that were given five and two talents, respectively, who went ahead to utilize what was given to them. From the account before us, they were not just fruitful but were also faithful in their dealings with the Master's talents. In other words, it should be pointed out that these two servants were not commended purely on their faithfulness but on the score of their fruitfulness. Faithfulness to God must always result in fruitfulness, especially by way of increase or some numerical growth; otherwise it becomes meaningless. Actually, the slothful servant was faithful, but unfortunately wasn’t fruitful.

 Now, the bottom line is that no one is created empty. We were created and endowed with great virtues and talents by God, our Creator. Whatever kind of talents God has gifted you with, let it be your goal in life to be both faithful and fruitful as you serve Him therewith. Find a local Church to begin with. Start to utilize whatever God has endowed you with. In His mercies, He will grant you to be both faithful and fruitful as you utilize your talents. As this happens, you will find fulfillment in life.


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for endowing me with great virtues and talents; for making me know the areas of my calling and employing them to serve You acceptably, in Jesus name.