"And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.  And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever." (Revelation 22 verses 4 to 5, King James Version).

Heaven is the goal of every Christian and to see the Lord's face on the resurrection morning is my greatest delight and expectation. For this, "I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." (1 Corinthians 9 verse 27). What about you?

    The Biblical King Cyrus the Great reigned from approximately 559 BCE to 530 BCE. There was a man who lived in the days of this great King. He was named Cagular. This man was an outcast and a very wicked terrorist, comparable to Osama Bin Laden of recent memories. One day, King Cyrus rolled out his entire army against him, captured him, his wife and two children.

    Brought in before King Cyrus, he was moved, seeing that Cagular was an extremely handsome fellow, his wife beautiful and his two little children of extreme beauty.

    The King looked at Cagular and asked him - "what would you do if I spared your life"?. Cagular replied saying, "I will serve you all the rest of my life". King Cyrus looked at his beautiful little children and asked, "what would you do if I spared your children"? He replied saying, "I will stand for you, your enemy becomes my enemy". The King looked at his wife and said, "if I spared your wife, what would you do"? He said in reply saying, "if you spare her, I will die for you because of her".

      Eventually, King Cyrus did not only spare him, his wife and children, he sent him back to his territory as Governor!

     When Cagular got home with his family, he asked his wife if she saw the beautiful painting on the wall of King's palace - she said "no". He asked if she saw the beautiful throne of solid gold on which the King sat - she said "no". Amazed at her, he asked her what she saw - she said she saw only the face of the man who had offered to die for her (ie, Cagular).

 Brethren, heaven may be very beautiful, with streets of gold, with beautiful and unique mansions, with no darkness and an exquisite throne setting to behold. In the same heaven, although God wipes away my tears, with "no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (see Revelation chapter 4, and chapter 21 verses 4 and 21). There in heaven also, although I get reunited with my loved ones that have died. Yet, when I get there, one thing will capture my attention the most: it's seeing the Face of the One (Jesus) Who died for me, Who saved me from God's wrath and judgment.


Thank You dear Lord Jesus for dying to save me. Forever, You remain my Hero. My dream and my delight is to see Your face on the resurrection morning. Thank You Father for making it a reality for me, in Jesus name.