"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Heb 12:2 (KJV).

There's virtually nothing about the Christian faith that didn't begin with the Lord Jesus! When the Bible calls Him "the Author ... of our faith", it's a perfect description of the One that is worthy to "be admired in all them that believe" (2 Thess 1:10). I'm glad that He's not only the "Author", but that He's as well the "Finisher of our faith". I love the way the EASY translation puts it:

"As we run, we must always look towards Jesus. He is the one who trusted God completely. Our faith starts with him, and he will help us to trust God all the way to the end... " - Heb 12:2, EASY

 This, to me, is exhilarating to know!

     Shall we talk about our "common salvation" (Jude 1:3) without having to thank the Lord Jesus for being "the Author and the Finisher" of it? Are you seeking healing? Does it not begin and end with Jesus? Is He not indeed, the "Author and the Finisher" of it? Other translations render Him "the Pioneer and Perfecter", "Initiator and Completer", "the Source and Goal", "the Originator and Perfecter" of our faith.  What is it that you seek in the Christian faith that isn't traceable to the only Begotten Son of God? Nothing, absolutely nothing!

     The Grk rendering of Hebrews 12:2 says, "looking away unto". This is absolutely mind blowing. It means that you look away from whatever you see that is unpleasant, which anyway, is temporal (2Cor 4:18), unto Jesus, "the Author and the Finisher" of your faith.

      Learn to look away from situations, no matter how ugly or challenging they seem to be, unto Jesus to intervene very ably as He has always been. For example, my experience in ministry is this: in praying for the sick or during deliverance sessions and even relating to issues of life, don't dare look away from Jesus unto the problem. If you do, there's no way you will see your desired result. Learn from this: it was when Peter saw the wind boisterous, took his eyes off Jesus that he became afraid and he began to sink (Matt 14:30). Some situations can be extremely dismal that there's no way that the natural mind can fathom any solution thereto. At such times, looking unto Jesus becomes the surest way out.

     Again, for example, James 5:15 tells us that "the prayer of faith will save the sick". But you can never effectively pray “the prayer of faith” if you look at the situation under consideration, or at the person who is needing the "prayer of faith".  There is only one place to look, and that is unto Jesus, "the Author and the Finisher" of our faith. Truth is, the introduction of Jesus into any situation in life automatically puts you over that situation. Think of any encounter with Jesus in the Bible. All who encountered Him went away rejoicing. So will be your case, in Jesus name. This is the real reason that God gave Jesus, His Only Begotten Son. The Lord wants to help us right now to learn this truth and to keep our eyes on Him at all times. As you look unto Jesus over your situation, receive salvation in Jesus name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of my faith. He went through life for me, taking out of my way every unpleasantness of life, amen.