"For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (John chapter 13 verse 15, King James Version).

As Christians, it's important that we understand that one of the aims of God in sending to us His Son is that He (Jesus) might live His life as an example for us to follow. Studying the life of Jesus and striving to live like Him is what really makes us Christians (Acts chapter 11 verse 26); not the names we bear, neither is it because we own a Bible nor still that we go to a Church!

        After washing His disciples feet, Jesus said: "If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an EXAMPLE, THAT YE SHOULD DO AS I HAVE DONE TO YOU " (John chapter 13 verses 14 to 15, emphasis added)

          What's the significance of the example of 'feet washing' as given by Jesus? Simply, it shows how we should relate to one another as disciples of Jesus; that we should take the position of the servant in our dealings with one another. To His disciples, Jesus was both Lord and Master, yet He stooped down to wash His disciples feet, to minister, and to serve them! To the contrary, we often like to choose the position of master, desiring that we be served by others. Many a time, Jesus rebuked His disciples for arguing, striving or contending among themselves on who should be the greatest (Luke chapter 22 verse 24; Mark chapter 9 verses 34 to 35). Jesus told us He came not to be served but to serve  (Matthew chapter 20 verse 28)

        Again, in Luke chapter 22 verse 27, Jesus said also that He was among them as the One who served. Apostle Paul in Philippians chapter 2 verse 7 described the Lord Jesus saying that He "emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, ..." No doubt, the Lord Jesus remains our GREAT EXAMPLE (Matthew chapter 11 verse 29; John chapter 13 verse 15; 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 21; 1st John chapter 2 verse 6). The current craving to be master, lord and to be served by others isn't therefore of Christ, is to be avoided and never to be pursued!

         I urge us to be good examples to others as Christ has been to us in humility, with constant eagerness to be of service to others. This is what makes us His true witnesses (Acts chapter 1 verse 8) especially in a dark and crooked world we live in today (Philippians chapter 2 verses 14 to 15).


Dearest Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for sending Your Son to show me how to live to please you. He's my  Great Example to follow in this dark and crooked world that I live in. Help me never to fall You, in Jesus name.