Arise, shine for thy light is come

Arise, shine for the light is come

The glory of the Lord is risen,

The glory of the Lord is risen, upon me.


Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” (Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1, New International Version)

   To arise means to stand up, to move to a higher level, or to change from one position to another. This has to do with decision-making, determination, and a conscious effort on our part. It calls for doing the unusual.

  The verse for today sounds like a command. God is saying, cease from being stagnant, stop being unconcerned about the whole lot, as if all is well, when all is not well.

    Anyone who desires to experience the glory of God shining upon his or her life must be prepared and, at the same time, ready to arise from the pending situation of life.

   The positive decisions you make today will determine how your tomorrow will be, just as I had earlier on said. What is more, the Word of God is telling you this morning to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." (Isaiah 60 verse 1). This is to mean that the grace to do just that is readily available now. You don't have to postpone it. Arise now, do not wait till tomorrow. Begin to do the unusual!

    You might not be able to do anything about yesterday, but you can do something about today. Yesterday is like a spilled milk that is of no use, but today and the future holds great potentials calling for your attention.

Take advantage of the grace that is being poured upon you now to do something about your life, and you'll be glad that you did.

   Again, the Scripture says,

 "Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments,..."

(Isaiah chapter 52 verse 1).

  This morning, the Word of God is proclaiming liberty to as many as are bound with fear, desolation and despondency, to arise and take a hold of their liberty. Are you weary and heavily laden with the burden of guilt and sin? You can find relief in Christ! Shake off yourself from the dust of fear and enjoy "the glorious liberty of the children of God", which has been accomplished for us by Christ and on which we are counseled in Galatians 5 verse 1 to stand. This freedom in Christ is a reality because as the Scripture says in John 8 verse 36,

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."


Thank You Heavenly Father for enabling me to arise and to shine and to manifest Your Glory that is upon me. I'm shining forth for all to see, in Jesus Mighty name.