TEXT: Ps 139:14

 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

Though we were born of the same parents, grew up together, were classmates, worked together, lived in the same environment, etc; we all were created and programmed for different times & purposes by God! Those who don't understand this fall into the trap of envy, un-fulfillment' un-necessary distraction, lack of focus, early death, etc; whereas, if only they knew God, understood His timing and purpose for their lives, things would have been different!

            For instance, the notion that others with whom you started have "arrived" and you have not, is of no actual consequence after all! l can give you so many reasons why you must never envy others. But l want you to understand that no one was ever programmed the same with you by God (Psalm 139:14). Remember that you were curiously wrought and marvelously made by God - Psalm 139:15.

           One very important issue that you need to resolve and now, is if you are born again, a child of God. Once this is affirmatively settled, hold on, stand still to see the salvation of the Lord (Exodus 14:13)! One great benefit of being in Christ is that you now belong to Him, He controls your affairs, sees to it that all goes well with you! He gives you an 'expected end' (Proverbs 23:18; Philippians 1:20).

Once you're  come into a covenant relationship with God your Maker, the lines become fallen unto you in pleasant places, you become one with a goodly heritage in store for you - Ps 16:6. One major difference between those in a covenant relationship with God (and have become His children) and those who are not is that the child of God has his inheritance chosen for him by the Almighty God - Ps 47:4. Human choice cannot be compared with God's choice. Lot choose for himself while God chose for Abraham, and we know the end of that story  Lot didn't only loose all his possessions in the end, but his wife also and very sadly, he ended up in a cave! (see Gen 13:5-18 and Gen 19:26,30). His end became woeful and disastrous, unlike that of Abraham. The problem was that he chose his inheritance without God, he chose it all by himself! Dear child of God, understand that unerring wisdom ordained your lot, and selected for you the safest and best condition. Be content with such things as you have, since the Lord has ordered all things for your good and He's beside you to help you - Heb 13:5-6. Focus rather on the end and not on the beginning!

Don't be perturbed that you started building with someone else and soon, that fellow has reached the roofing stage, whereas you are still at foundation level, digging deep downward. The reason God is permitting that to happen to you is that He wants you to put up a superstructure of immense height and size, compared to the bungalow your friend has almost completed! The Chinese bamboo, for instance, is acclaimed to be a massive specie of the bamboo plant, towering sometimes up to about 80ft. It has been observed that whist other species of at the most, 10ft - 12ft of height  may mature within 6-8 years, with the Chinese bamboo, those are the years it appears stunted, of little height, busy amassing the needed roots to sustain the great height of 80ft for which it is known! You were born for something greater, friend! Don't give up! Stop envying someone who in the end is nothing compared to you!

                Have a glorious day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, I am one fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Thank you Lord for your plans for me which are glorious and beautiful, better than anyone's else. At the end, I'm better off than them all because you chose my inheritance for me. Glory