You are the Most High
You are the Most High, God
"If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say;..
If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:" (Psalms 124 stanza 2)
It is by God’s mercy that the devices of our enemies would never succeed, and that the counsel of the Lord would ever prevail over every ugly situation in our lives. In other words, God’s Hand has ever been present, as the Good Shepherd leading His flock beside still waters. Whenever trials beset His flocks, they find solace in the embrace of His grace.
Thanks be to our God Almighty, who has always been our Refuge and Strength in times of trouble.
I personally have so much to testify about the faithfulness of God towards me and my family. Our entire lives are the embodiment of God's mercies and grace. Hallelujah!
There were many moments when I felt the Hand of the Almighty guiding me through some circumstances of life. In His infinite Wisdom, He had guided my footsteps in times of uncertainty, and I emerged victorious.
When I reflect upon the manifold blessings bestowed by the Almighty upon me and my family, this triggers great joy in my heart and makes me shout for joy. Like the parable of the woman who lost a coin, she diligently sought it until she found it, and in her joy, she called her friends to rejoice with her. (Luke 15 verse 9)
Our reading this morning says,
"If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:"
The Psalmist recognized the fact that it was God who was on his side to bring him victory when the enemy rose up against him. In like manner, there might have been instances when God showed up for you in some terrible situations in the past.
You might, in one way or the other, have found yourself in some season of despair. If that's the case, you can seek the LORD in prayer and supplication. I can assure you that a door will open that will lead to unexpected blessings.
Like the Psalmist, it's good that we ponder on the graciousness of God in our journeys of life. Doing so will reveal God's abundant goodness toward us that will excite our thanksgiving to Him.
Thank You Heavenly Father for fighting every battle of my life and giving me victory at all times, in Jesus' Mighty name.