"... if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light" - Matt 6:22

Singleness of eye primarily means to be focused! Have you seen a man that is focused? He's one that has no room for trivialities and vanities. He identifies his main cause of existence and applies all his energies on that single endeavor. It's like Adam Smith's theory of 'Division of Labor'. Each person's attention is focused on one single and respective aspect of the entire production process, resulting in specialization and ultimate effectiveness.

     Jesus, our Lord and Savior was single eyed in life. He was ever found doing the Father's will. Before His incarnation, He gave us a clue as to what He was coming to do. "Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God: ... ." - Ps 40:7-8. Eventually, when He appeared on earth, He knew exactly what He was here for: "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me." -Jn 6:38 (see also Jn 4:34).

     It's significant that at His baptism in river Jordan, it's recorded that the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove - Matt 3:16. When the Bible mentions the dove, it is laying stress not only on the harmless character of Christ but more importantly, on the fact that He is "single-eyed"  - LK 11:34; for a dove can only see one thing at a time. Here, the Holy Spirit comes upon the Lord to give Him power to do one single thing in His whole life before God—which is, to do God’s will (to give his life a ransom for many" - Matt 20:28).

Brethren, can we be imitators of the Lord Jesus Christ? He was a very focused Man! At age twelve, He already knew that He must be about His Father's business - Lk 2:49. He is our Perfect Example.

    Undoubtedly, success dwells in the bosom of he that is focused and diligent in life - Prov 22:29. There are endeavors that are vain and too far related to your cause in life. You will do well to avoid them and go for those that will help to promote your cause. We all know too well of the proverbial statements that says "too many hands spoil the brook", as well as one being "jack of all trades and being master of none", etc. It's your responsibility to find out what your calling is in life, whether in the secular or otherwise, and when you have so found, to give it your utmost best. "Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.", says Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 7:21. We all cannot be the same. Your calling may have been given to supplement mine, or vice-versa. But the main issue for consideration is that you take your calling seriously, to fulfill it. "... Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it." - Col 4:17; "make full proof of thy ministry." - 2 Tim 4:5, were words in the Holy Script to Archippus and Timothy, respectively.

    Strive to stay focused on your calling and to be diligent about it, " ... for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD; ..." - Jer 31:16.

    Have a wonderful day.


Dearest Heavenly Father, as I identify every endeavor that constitute a clog to the fulfilment of my calling, I put them aside, and strive to live focused every day, help me LORD, in Jesus name.