"So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days." (Ephesians chapter 5 verses 15 to 16, New Living Translation)

Time is said to be the most valuable gift that God has given to man. To the surprise of many, time is much more valuable than money! The reason is that while you can make more money, you can't do that with time. Simply put, you can't make more time. Once the time allotted to you is used up, you can't have it back. Twice in the New Testament we have been counseled to redeem the time (see Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 and Colossians chapter 4 verse 5).

     Simply put, we are to make the most of every opportunity, never to  let it go to waste. It's wrong to live your day unfocused. Rather, make the most of it because time lost will never be regained. Indeed, you are not only to live your day with this understanding, but you are to ensure that you make an adequate and if possible, a double use of the time currently available to you. By doing so, you are able to effectively "redeem time".

       There's a misconception that men often have of time. We often ascribe to time the ability to perfect human nature. For instance, we often say of a foolish man that "he will change with time". No, a thousand times, no! It's change and not time that turns a fool into a wiseman, a poor man into a wealthy man, a sinner into a saint!

    Be wise, don't wait for time to change you, but rather change while there's time!

Don’t live your day unfocused, unhappy, negative or defeated. Make the most of every day that the Lord has entrusted you with. Don't forget that you're full of God's Life and Ability. Remember also that you’re a person of destiny, a person on  assignment and you have a purpose to fulfill!

Brethren, let's learn to evaluate how we are spending our time. Let's learn to refocus our lives. Understand what constitutes distractions and shake them off. Focus on the main course of your being and soon, you'll be amazed how much progress you have made within a short while.

       God is faithful to give twenty four hours to us daily. The tithes of this, being two hours and forty minutes. Give it back to God daily as tithes (being the least time you can give back to Him) in prayer, praises, worship, Bible reading, fellowship and visit to the poor and needy. This will bring you tremendous fulfillment and progress in your daily walk with the Master.

    May the Holy Spirit help us, in Jesus name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of time. Henceforth, I live daily redeeming it, in Jesus name.