I look up to the mountains, to the hills I turn my eyes.

Who will come to help me, can I find a place to hide? The one who made the Heaven and the Earth in Him will I call. The Lord will come to help me, He will not let me fall.


 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help." (Psalms chapter 121 stanza 1)


 In line with my previous message, acknowledging God as our only true Source of help in life is never a misstatement, but rather the truth. Truth again is, God has resolved to have man for His use, to carry out His plans, purposes and will on earth. But let it be emphasized that notwithstanding, if God does not enable a man, he can do nothing on his own.

    As I said in my last message, "There is usually a limit to man's ability, no matter how big and great that man may be." The Bible says in the Book of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 22, "Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?" That is why it's very important that we put our trust in God in everything we do, if we want to see results.

  Many people make the mistake of making God their last resort, when they ought to have had Him as their first point of call in times of need. When we place God between us and our challenges or whatever that stands as an obstacle before us, the challenges or obstacles flee before Him, as clouds before the mighty wind. I have learned from Scripture that our God stands with us constantly, always ready to intervene on our behalf, thereby earning for Himself a great name. He says in Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10,

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

     God has encouraged us neither to fear nor be dismayed. He has promised to strengthen and to help us. Therefore, it's most advisable to put God between ourselves and our problems or whatever may stand against us. One thing is certain, God's help is timely. The Bible says in Psalms 46 verse 1 that

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

    His willingness to help is never to be questioned: Besides, He knows how to give to every man according to his needs. God’s help is most effective because vain is the help of man. Like I said above, God uses man to accomplish His purposes, and without Him man is incapacitated. He is the One that enables man and if need be, compel him to accomplish His will. As part of this whole process, we often find Him orchestrating the circumstances that bring about the needed help, to the end that His will and purposes are achieved in our lives. Hallelujah!


Thank You Lord for sending me help this day, and giving me awesome testimonies that will earn You glory in Jesus' Mighty name.