"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away". - Luke 21:33

       The Lord has not hidden from us what shall soon come to pass! A look into the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelation, the Gospels and the Epistles will convince us of the Lord's faithfulness in ensuring that no one child of God is taken unawares concerning the events that we now experience and those that will soon come to be. But only the fool and the unwary will be caught in the devil's snares!

       Friends, this earth, including the heavens shall pass away! This we know because the infallible Word of God clearly affirms it. Jesus said it, the Apostles echoed it and the signs of the time point to it!

      We have recently gone through one pestilence to the other, many of which I cannot now recount; from HIV/AIDS to Ebola, from Ebola to COVID-19, from COVID-19 to Monkeypox which is becoming rampart in the West. The recent COVID-19 claimed over a billion souls in just two years of it's existence. Nations are rising up against one another. Before our very eyes, countries are disintegrating with new national agitations coming to light. South Sudan's splitting from Sudan is a very recent phenomenon. What about the current Russia/Ukraine war with plebiscites held here and there for autonomy from Ukraine? Are we blind to the incessant earthquakes that have bedeviled the earth recently?

Don't tell me that you are unaware of the bush fires, floodings, heat waves, landslides, mudslides, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc, which are currently venting untold destruction on lives and properties, which some have in ignorance of end times prophecy, blamed on Climate Change! I laugh at them to scorn! Are you ignorant of the current distresses of nations that so monstrously stare at us? Haven't you felt the economic and financial downturns currently facing even the developed economies of the world with inflation being astronomically on the increase? We've never seen a thing of this sort before! Further, you dare not feign ignorance of the rise of evil and wickedness currently playing host to almost every part of the universe, because we all see and feel it daily.

What do we say about terrorism, kidnapping, banditry, Yahoo and Yahoo +, cultism, money rituals and the likes which have become issues of daily encounter in Nigeria? Are we not witnesses to the sudden surge of false Prophets, fake Pastors and "hired Bishops" for political and economic ends? The list goes on without end! These are signs of the end-times, calling you and me to repentance, in order to escape God's wrath to come.

       Read Jesus' discourse in Matt 24, Luke 21 and Apostle Paul's prophetic utterances in 1Tim 4 and 2Tim 3 for these end-times events that are currently fulfilling before our very eyes.

       In spite of all these, there are so many (Christians and unbelievers alike) who feels very well at home on earth with these happenings, who need to be told to change course. Friend, if this earth which you adore so much "shall be dissolved",  "and the elements shall melt with fervent heat", "what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness" ?, asks 2 Peter 3:10-12. Again I ask, should this not compel you to seek after Jesus for salvation and deliverance from God's wrath about to come?

    Don't be fooled by the technological advancements and the magnificent developments you see, and be tempted to ask whether the Lord will actually destroy all of these! Indeed, when you see the beautiful cities of the world and their glories, one might be fooled to think so. Hear me, if God did not spare Sodom and Gomorrah, what makes you think that He will not carry out His prophetic threat? My dearly beloved brethren, don't you realize that this present earth is under God's curse and cannot be sustained by Him. Mark my words!

         Let those who kill, steal, maim, lie, slander, libel, curse, prostitute, cheat, intimidate and manipulate others, etc, in order to gain the world BEWARE, for all shall be destroyed ultimately! What shall be your lot in the face of that?

     As you make a decision for Jesus and you strive to live for Him daily, you might be counted worthy to escape God's impending wrath.

Have a good day!


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for saving me to the uttermost because I've come unto you through Jesus, amen.