"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans chapter 12 verse 2, King James Version).

In this final part, I wish to say a bit about the practical aspect of praying for God's will in our lives. As Christians, we often pray for God's will in our lives. But the question is, how do we go about it?

     Like I said in the last part, the Scripture reading for today, makes mention of three phrases to describe the will of God. They are the "good", the "acceptable" and the "perfect" will of God. One school of thought is that these terms describe the three phases in our perception of God's will. This school of thought submits that the three phrases are separate and distinct. As we go about doing God's will, we find it not only "good", but "acceptable" and "perfect".

       Another school of thought holds that the "good, and acceptable" will of God is one; while the "perfect" will of God is another, making two separate wills of God in all. According to the proponents of this school of thought, it's either you are in the "good and acceptable" will of God (otherwise known as God's permissive will) or you are in His "perfect" will.

     According to Kenneth E Hagin, it's how we pray that can determine which way we fall into; either God's permissive will or God's perfect will. Hear him:

  "If you persist in praying selfishly out of your own carnal thinking, you may find yourself asking for only the acceptable will of God, not His perfect will. On the other hand, we've seen that when you pray in the Spirit, you pray out the perfect will of God."

     In other words, those that pray in the spirit are most likely to pray out God's perfect will for their lives. This is in line with Romans chapter 8 verse 26 to 27 which says,

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God."

     Notwithstanding, sometimes in our encounter with God, we find Him granting our wishes despite that they are not in line with His perfect will for us. I emphasize this because, a lot of times, we think that if God granted something, it has to be His perfect will. But evidence abound to prove that God answers prayers that aren't His perfect will for His Children.

     In 1st Samuel chapter 8, we find God granting the request of Israel for a king, but in Hosea chapter 13 verses 9 to 11, we discover that this wasn't the perfect will of God for them. Though Israel celebrated the granting of their requests by God, the truth is that from that moment, they ceased to be in God's perfect will for them. What they got was His permissive will as far as the matter was concerned.Truth is, you might  be celebrating while heaven is mourning, simply because of your wrong and unsavory choices.

     Time will fail me to talk about Moses. In the Book of Numbers chapter 13 verses 16 to 21, Moses had sent out spies to search out the promised land. But in Deuteronomy chapter 1 verses 22 to 25, we gather that the idea of searching out the land was that of the people, to which Moses eventually consented. To me, this was not the perfect will of God for them. It was at best, lighting a candle for search in broad daylight! God's word about the beauty and riches of the land was clear, "a land flowing with milk and honey"!

      Learn to stay in God's perfect will for you. Once you get to know His will for you, obey Him right away. Don't bug Him to change His mind over what He's told you about. Should you do that, He might consent to what you desire, which could after all be His permissive will for you. Undoubtedly, God's perfect will is far better for us than his acceptable or permissive will.


My Father, in all that I seek in life, may You reveal to me Your perfect will and help me to do it, in Jesus name.