He loves me ooo

I can not say why.

He died on the Cross.

Just for you and me.

He gave His own life as a ransom for many.

He loves me ooo.

I  can not say why.


 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John.3:16

Love is the most powerful force in the world. We overcome through love. Martin Luther King said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. I can't drive out hate; only love can do that."

I want us this morning to dwell on the love that brought Jesus Christ down from heaven; it's no other than GOD’S LOVE

 God is love. He is compassionate and rich in love. His love overcomes evil and everything else. God’s love for humanity has always been great. His compassion is unmatchable.

Like as I said earlier, the Bible teaches that God is love. You and I were sinners and were alienated from God. We were His enemies. We had rebelled against Him. We deserved to be thrown into hell, but in spite of all these, He loves unconditionally.

God’s holiness demands that all sin be punished, but God’s love provided a plan of redemption and salvation for sinners. His love provided the Cross of Jesus Christ by which man can have forgiveness and cleansing. It was the love of God that sent Jesus Christ to the Cross.

Jesus Christ, while He was on Earth here, loved sinners, ate with them and by His interaction with them, He gave them the opportunity to escape the path of sin and be set free. While God is holy and could have sent his son to send all sinners to their deaths, He did the opposite. He forgave them and gave them the Gift of eternal life. When a sinner believes in Jesus and confesses his Lordship, he or she receives eternal life and becomes a new creation. Receiving that life brings you into oneness and sonship with God.

If only we can come unto Him and forsake our sins, His Word assures us "..that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." - Jn 3:16.

     God's love keeps no records of the past. God will always love us as a loving Father, even when we don’t love him back. God’s love is unmatchable. If every Christian family became witnesses of God’s love, great and wonderful things would happen in our families, neighborhood, our city, or our world?


Lord, thank you for your great love and compassion. Thank you that through Jesus, you have made it possible for me to be delivered, redeemed, and saved. I receive the grace to demonstrate this love to all and sundry, in Jesus name.