"And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." (Mark 5 verse 25 to 28, King James Version).

Indeed, God rewards the determined soul! Determination is simply the ability to make choices, to set goals and to act upon them with resolute firmness in spite of challenges or difficulties.

     The story of the woman with the issue of blood is of such significance that all, except the Gospel of Saint John reported it. In the story, we see her exhibit some good measure of desperation coupled with faith. Such a stance wasn't far fetched from the fact that she had been in that condition for twelve years, also that she had spent all her money on doctors without a solution. The Bible records that she "rather grew worse". Others would have given up hope, but not so with this woman of determination and faith!

     Once she was convinced that Jesus could heal her, she went for Him, saying "If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." But despite her conviction as aforesaid, she soon discovered that she had obstacles to surmount. Jesus was a Man that was very often thronged by people. To see Him therefore was a difficult task for a sick, delicate and feeble woman of her type. Secondly, by her kind of ailment, the Jewish law had judged her unclean and therefore forbidden her type from mingling with people, lest she would defile them (Leviticus 15:25 to 33).

    What then did she do? She had to literally crawl her way through the crowd and touch the hem of Jesus' garment to receive her healing. To be candid, this wasn't an easy thing to do. Again, like it was with Zacheaus that climbed the Sycamore tree in order to see Jesus, this was an outrageous thing for this woman to do; yet she de-esteemed all else to do it so as to receive her healing from the Lord.

     Much as it was rare to get people to do such things, it's even rarer now to find people who would do such a thing. Being in the healing and deliverance ministry, I attest that sometimes, we literally have to plead with people to attend programs. This woman didn't just debase her person by crawling on her hands and knees through the crowd unto Jesus, she risked her life mingling through the crowd in her unclean state. Faced with the crowd, on her hands, on her knees, forbidden by law, scorned and discouraged by others, this woman refused to be deterred. This is a perfect clue as to how to receive from the Lord.

     Like I said earlier, extraordinary measures from us towards God have the tendency to touch His tender feelings to do us good. In your relationship with the Lord therefore, make sure you don't lack determination, because it's awesomely rewarding!


In the name of Jesus, help me Father to be fully resolved to seek and to follow You, notwithstanding discouraging circumstances around me.