"Is any thing too hard for the LORD?" (Genesis chapter 18 verse 14, King James Version).


It was in the month of October, 2022 that a certain girl attended one of our programs for unmarried girls, the vision of which the Lord gave to my wife. As the program progressed, my wife requested that the girls in attendance should dance to the altar with their wedding songs. This certain girl sat still and wasn't enthusiastic about the request to dance to the altar with her wedding song. My wife saw her and went to pull her to the altar.

     When she got to the altar, she began to weep. When I saw her weeping, we decided to shift our attention to her. After we prayed for her, the power of God came upon her. She testified thereafter that while we prayed for her, she felt that a cloak was laid on her. I remembered saying to her that her problem was over and that the boy the Lord was bringing to her way was going to be in a hurry to wed her.

     Approximately a year thereafter, which was October, 2023, she attended another program by us with a wedding card. In that program, she testified to God's faithfulness and that in fulfillment of my prophecy, her fiance was indeed in a rush to wed her. They eventually wedded this last Saturday.

    Another girl who attended the same program in October 2022 is getting married early next month. She brought her wedding card to us two weeks ago. Glory to God!

    I have given these two testimonies to encourage you never to give up on God. It doesn't matter for how long you've been in that situation. The Lord can do all things. There's absolutely nothing too difficult for Him to do. I prophesy to you that in not much longer, you'll testify, in Jesus name.



Lord, You can do all things. There's absolutely nothing too difficult for You to do. I wait upon You to fulfill Your Word to me, in Jesus name.