"Not  forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." - Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)

God expects it as His children, that we should be in Church on a regular basis. Going to Church is a very vital aspect of our Christian walk. The Bible says that we should be "followers of God, as dear children;" (Eph 5:1). Jesus Christ, our Perfect Example, had it as a "custom" to be in constant fellowship (Lk 4:16). Even Apostle Paul had it as "his manner" (Acts 17:2).

   Forsaking corporate fellowship is not a good manner for a healthy Christian existence (Heb 10:25); and this is so for several reasons, among which are:

1) It's important that we keep ourselves strong in the faith, exhorting one another through corporate fellowship; and so much the more, as we see the day of the Lord approaching. (Heb 10:25)

2) Staying away from corporate fellowship can result in one developing an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. (Heb 3:12).

3) In order to avoid the likelihood of developing a hardened heart through the deceitfulness of sin, corporate fellowship becomes very necessary.(Heb 3:12)

4)  Seeing that we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our Christian confidence steadfast unto the end, corporate fellowship becomes a matter of absolute importance. (Heb 3:12)

      Like I said, being in church regularly is very vital for a healthy relationship with the Lord. Let us look at it again from two other exemplary perspectives:

     (1) We go to church to serve the Lord God that has saved us! Serving Him is an act of gratitude for what He has done for us. It has been said that  "service  is the rent we pay for the space we occupy in life". If this be the case, it follows that for being alive we ought to gratefully serve Christ, our Life Giver and the Shepherd of our souls!

     (2) We go to church not only to serve Him, but that He also may "service" us. The church is here likened to a motor garage where vehicles are taken for service. Jesus is our Maker. When we go to His presence, He impacts us, comforts us, rebukes us, encourages us and we come out fresh, ready for the challenges ahead of us.

      Dear friend, don't miss this awesome opportunity! Be in church today and always. God bless you dearly for doing so.


Dearest Holy Spirit, I need Your help as I give myself to constant and unbroken fellowship in order to stay fit in Christ, so much so as we look forward to His imminent and sudden return, in Jesus name.