For we are saying, faithful are You Lord,

faithful are You Lord, faithful are You Lord. Faithful.


 "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:" - Gen.12.1- 2.

 Every child of God is called in one way or another. Some are called to serve as ordinary members in the body of Christ while others are called specially to be ministers of the Gospel. Whatever may be your calling, one thing is certain: He who has called you, has not called you to shame but unto His glory. Hallelujah!

   As I had said earlier in the previous massage, God has not called us unto shame but unto glory and to show forth His praise.

".....that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" - 1Pet.2.9.

    The men of old that were called were greatly differentiated in their generations.

Examples of such men were Abraham, Moses, David, and the disciples of Jesus, to measure just a few.

GOD never called any man unto limitations; but rather, unto extension.

He has called me and you to extend us. You may not have known it before now. It's good you know it from today that He has not called you and I unto shame but unto His glory.

      Abraham was called to leave his kindred unto an unknown land. The call to leave his country was met with a strong faith and immediate action. As a result, the Lord promised a great blessing for him and his descendants. (Gen.12.1- 2.)

He traded the known for the unknown and received many blessings therefor.  The call of  Abraham came to him at the age of 75. Though the journey was not an easy one, but it was successful at the end. He became greater than his brothers and was a very great man in his generation.

  Moses was called when he was tending the father in-law's sheep in the wilderness. God made him a very great man in his generation.


    David was also about his father's business, tending the sheep in the wilderness when he was anointed to be king (1 Samuel 16:11-13).

     Obedience is the right answer when God calls us unto some kind of duties. This has to do with living and moving forward by faith according to His command. The call may come to us at any time, at any age, and in any situation. It may also include times of testing. The end will always be glorious because of His faithfulness.


Dear Heavenly Father, I count on Your faithfulness that my end shall surely be more glorious than what it is, in Jesus Mighty name.