"And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: ... and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea." (Exodus 14 verses 15 to 16, King James Version).


Humans are rational beings. Reasoning has become part of us and is a normal course of life unto us. We reason out matters to justify our actions or decisions. Since birth till now, the basic principle of our existence has been hinged on reasoning. It's a fundamental part of the flesh life. Indeed, it's a difficult thing to be delivered from a life of reason.

    But for the Christian, his walk in life is one of faith and not by sight (2nd Corinthians 5 verse 7). To walk by faith, is to live in the confident expectation of things that are to come; in the belief of the existence of unseen realities; and suffering them to influence us as if they were seen. The meaning of this is that as Christian we cease to be sense ruled. Most times, when people are told to disregard evidence of the physical senses and to tread the path of faith, they think it's unreasonable to do so.

     God is a Spirit and we are spirit beings. That being the case, we must always remember that our relationship with Him is spiritual; one that bypasses reason. Indeed and from experience, I've come to understand that the things of God are usually very unreasonable. Most times, He will ask you to do things that are not reasonable.

       That being so, learn never to question God's Word to you. On the contrary, let your response to His Word be that of instant obedience. The Bible says,

"Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it" (John 2 verse 5). It's not for you to question or to try to reason with God, though He may ask you to do the unthinkable.

     For instance, can you imagine the response of those who were present when Jesus commanded a man that had laid paralyzed bodily to do what was naturally impossible for him to do?

"I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy couch, and go into thine house." (Luke 5 verse 24; see also Jn 5 verses 8 to 9)

     Again, according to our text for the day, wasn't it overtly contrary to reason when Israel was before the Red Sea and God commanded Moses to speak unto them that they go forward and go on dry ground through the midst of the sea? (Exodus 14 verses 15 to 16).

      Further still, doesn't it look naturally foolish and unreasonable that an army seeking to conquer a city is asked to go round the city for whatever number of times and afterwards give a shout, and expect the city walls to fall apart? To the natural mind, isn't that unreasonable?

   Yet, in all of these examples, we saw that simple obedience to God's Word resulted in instant miracles. Hallelujah!

        Learn therefore to do as God says. That's what will produce your much desired miracle. Don't be like Israel that sought to spy out the promised land to find out if indeed it was as God told them it was. I discovered that it was actually the people that initiated the move to inspect the land. The idea pleased Moses, and he probably went on to seek the Lord's approval (Deuteronomy 1 verses 22 to 28). In other words, God didn't take the initiative. The people, out of doubt, did. At best, sending spies to search the land was like lighting a candle to search out something in the daytime. It was a tacit demonstration of doubt.


Dear Lord, I will without doubt do whatever you ask me to do; believing that some testimony shall result therefrom, in Jesus name.