Closer to Thee, closer to Thee, Lord,

Draw me closer, closer to Thee

My song everyday, Father draw me closer, draw me closer, closer to Thee.


"But when she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of reed and covered it with tar to make it watertight. She put the baby in it and then placed it in the tall grass at the edge of the river." - Exo2:3

    There is that which we call divine, the world calls it co-incidence. For us who are children of the most High God, there is nothing like co-incidence, but the deliberate outworking of  divine Wisdom in our lives to actualize God's plans and purposes for us. For instance, the making of the ark, the positioning of the child in the ark and the placing of the ark by the bank of the river by the mother of Moses, were all divinely inspired by the Lord God Almighty whose Wisdom surpasses all. This Wisdom  can only be obtained through the agency of the Word of God and His Spirit.

In the book James 1:5, the Bible says; "but if any one lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give to him; because God gives generously and graciously to all."

Ours is for the asking, God's is for the giving!

  By the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the ark with the child inside was divinely and rightly positioned, accessible, to the view and reach of the appointed destiny helper, the daughter of Pharaoh. The almighty God commanded the daughter of Pharaoh to go to that very river to take her bath that day, because a child of destiny had been divinely positioned for a miracle.

I believe strongly that God is positioning someone reading this devotional this morning for a miracle in Jesus name. The baby Moses met with his destiny helper right by the bank of River Nile.

 Another example is that of Joseph the dreamer.

"And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound and he was there in the prison." - Genesis  39:20.

 Joseph was divinely positioned, not in any other prison but in the same prison with his destiny helper, the Butler who was the King's cup bearer. Providence played it's role through the course of Joseph's life to the end that the Butler was the one that eventually recommended him to his place of fulfillment.

Where God is divinely positionning you may not be attractive as you may expect. Like Joseph, the prison was not a palatable placel but he cooperated with God who is Master Strategist in the affairs of life.

Someone is on a special assignment by God to deliver unto you this day that which you need and such a one is not holding back what God has sent him or her to deliver unto you in Jesus name.

  Today is your day, nothing shall stop you, you are on your path to meet with your God ordained destiny helper who will bring you to your place of fulfillment in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


O Lord, I am in your hand; do not allow me to miss it in life and your glorious Kingdom. I pray that you order my steps to my place of fulfillment in Jesus Mighty name. 🙏 🙏 🙏