"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed seed may live:" - Deuteronomy 30:19

History will forgive you for making a wrong decision; but will never forgive you for not taking a decision when it mattered most. What changes your life is not much learning, though education is important. What changes your life is the decisions you made - the best decisions you have made and how you acted on them.

       Decision making is very important because your decision determines your direction and your direction determines your destiny. The decision you make,  make you. Things change only when decisions change. All we are today is the product of our past decisions. Once in my life, l made up my mind to read Law in the university. At another point in my life, l was called upon by God to decide whether to accept His Son Jesus Christ or not. At yet another point in time, l was faced with the decision of answering the call of God for my life, etc. Every now and then, we make decisions!

       Show me a man who is careless about his decisions and l will show you a man who is careless about his life. One important decision we all are called upon to make is on the issue of our eternal destiny. We all are here in the world today and are bound to leave one day or the other. Have you ever thought about where you will spend your eternity? For God  so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life (John 3:16). Don't be careless about this one decision that is so important. Christ Jesus is Life and through Him we possess life! Decide for Him now and you will never regret it. You have no time left, now is decision time!

           In all of life's endeavors, you cannot fail without your consent. You also cannot succeed without your participation. You have a choice to make in the matter of your eternity. No one chooses for you, but yourself. You can choose your eternal destiny now! Your choice now determines the outcome of your destiny.

         It's one thing to make a choice and it's another thing to follow it through. Once you decide for Jesus, keep that decision alive by becoming a member of a living church, a Bible based church, where you are taught the word of God. There, and all the days of your remaining life, do the Word you hear! This is Christianity! May the Lord guide you as you make your choices today, and especially as you decide for His son, Amen.


Lord, thank you for placing my destiny in my hands. This is awesome of you, Lord. Help me to decide and to decide well and beautifully well, in Jesus name, amen.