"... as he is, so are we in this world." - 1 Jn 4:17 (KJV)

Yesterday, we spoke about Jesus being the express Image (Icon) of God's Person; and the Church being the icon (image) of Christ. It seems we don't have any problems with Christ being God's Image; but it's when we consider the Church as the image of Christ that we encounter issues. But the Bible says that "as he is so are we in this world"(1 john 4:17). If Christ the true Vine be God's Image, then it's no lie that the Church, being the Branches thereof should be the exact replica of Christ, the true vine. Considering the Acts of the Apostles, it's correct to say that the early Church didn't fail God in this regard. The Acts of the Apostles were essentially a replica of the Acts of Jesus (Jn 14:12). I believe that the problem is with the latter day Church. We seem to have lost our identity and focus.

  Today, the idea of the Church being Christ's Image seems so far-fetched. To say that you and I, are the replica of the invisible Christ can today pass for a sacrilege. Truth is, anyone meeting with me or you today, should invariably have met with and seen Christ in us. Apostle Paul said something in this line in Galatians 1:15:

" ... it pleased God, ... To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; ... ". Yesterday, we stated further that it is wholly God's will that you and I should have the ability to reveal the invisible Christ; else, how do we understand 1 Jn 4:17, 1 Cor 6:17 and 1 Jn 3:1-2? The privilege to reveal the invisible Christ is primarily the prerogative of the Church and ourselves as members thereof.

     In other words, Christ is identified in the Church. He being it's Head, it's obvious that He cannot do without His body. All of Christ's fullness dwells in His Body, the Church (you are I). "And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace." (Jn 1:16). Col 2:10 says also that we "are complete in him ..." Should you want to know anything about Christ, the Church is the place to go! Like I said in the concluding part of yesterday's devotional, the Church is not only Christ's representative but also His representation here on earth. These are two different expressions altogether. To be His representative means I am authorized; to be His representation means I am His image, His icon, His expression.

      Can men see you and see God? Are you His representation and at the same time His representative? Many love to be God’s representatives, but not His representation. This is probably because being His representative carries along with it the idea of power and authority; while being His representation entails discipline and commitment. In Jn 2:23-25, we saw that Jesus didn't commit Himself to men. To commit Himself to them would have earmarked them as His representatives. But to be manifestly effective as His representative here on earth carries along with it the idea of trust. Can the Lord trust you? Nay; the question is more serious. Can he trust himself to you? 

   I believe that being His representation is the starting point before we can effectively become His representative. Don’t forget that we were created in His own image and likeness (Gen 1:27). Look at Jesus’ statements in Jn 12:45,14:9 and what the Scriptures do testify of Him in Heb 1:3, Col 1:15. Here on earth, it's glaring that He was a perfect Representation of God! He was God’s Icon (Image)! As a result of that, it pleased the Father to make Him His Representative; that in Him should dwell the "fulness of the Godhead bodily" (Col 1:19, 2:9).

     The question is, how did Jesus arrive here? The answer lies in  examining His conduct in Phil 2:5-11. It was highly stupendous! The Bible says that He did not only empty Himself, He also "humbled Himself". He earned for himself a great name following this conduct! It was at this point that the Father deemed Jesus fit for exaltation and to bear a name that commands power and authority in the three worlds of heaven, the earth and under the earth (Phil 2:5-11).

    Discipleship, humility and maturity in the faith, 'et alia' are ingredients necessary for us to be effective representations of the Lord, in order for us to assume the much desired role of being His representatives here on earth. Jesus said "Follow me, and I will make you …" (Matt 4:19).


I follow You daily, dear Lord Jesus in order to become Your representation and Your representative here on earth. Help me Lord!