"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some ..." - Heb 10:25

Thank God for technological advancement that brought about radio, television, telephone and lately, the internet services. The practice whereby men sit at home on Sundays and the week's fellowship hours, glued to their favorite Christian channels is not healthy for spiritual growth, no matter how anointed the tele- preacher may be. Being present in the church atmosphere is not only enjoined Biblically, but has its inherent advantages that cannot be overemphasized. In the early days of Christianity, it appears that the practice of "...forsaking the assembling of ourselves together ..." had become the "...manner of some ...". Undoubtedly, the foremost benefit accruing from being physically present in Church is the inexhaustible blessing of "exhorting one another much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (see Heb 10:25).

       Here, satan has held people in bondage with the impression that the "virtual Church" or the "Church on air" as we have it today can conveniently serve the purposes that the physical Church is meant to accomplish. The benefits of physical contacts with one another, 'et al' cannot be overemphasized! I've been privileged to be put by the Lord in the healing and deliverance ministries for a while now. There have been cases where it became absolutely necessary to see men one on one, so as to be able to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of their problems, if you are to be effective in meeting their needs. Virtual (Church) meetings are good, especially for emergent situations, for instance where it's not possible to get everyone together physically and decisions need to be taken for the progress of the work; but it is NEVER MEANT to take the place of being physically present in Church for fellowship meetings. It's so important that we understand this.

      Church going is in its essence "fellowship" with ourselves and heaven. It's very vital that we go to church, "... so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." (see Heb 10:25). The Day of the Lord is almost here! Only a fool or an unserious Christian will not know that. The Christian fellowship is a double faceted phenomenon: it is a fellowship with the Lord (1 Cor 1:9; 1 Jn 1:6) and a fellowship with ourselves as well. (1Jn 1:3,7).

     Dwight L. Moody of blessed memory preached and said that "the difference between listening to a radio sermon and going to Church ... is almost like the difference between calling your (wife) on the phone and spending an evening with her"

     What a contrast! With this, I rest my case!

GO TO CHURCH TODAY and make this your habit and God bless you, in Jesus name.


Dearest Heavenly Father, I believe that being physically present in Church is your will for me. I resolve that this becomes my manner of life, in Jesus name.