"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalms 118 stanza 24, King James Version)

We very often fail to realize that today, and indeed, everyday is given to us by God who means so well unto us. Every given day is not only different from the other, but also differently packaged with 'goodies' by the Almighty, for our enjoyment!

      God has created us free moral agents, capable of making choices and particularly, with the ability to decide how our day or life would be. God has also given us His Word not only to believe, but also to live by (see James chapter 1 verses 22 to 25).

       Our Scripture reading for today says: "This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it". Here, God is letting you know that He has programmed the day for you as His child with joy and rejoicing. That being so, it's left to you to take a hold of the prophecy, to believe it and to confess it. From that moment, you make up your mind to live through the day with joy and rejoicing. In other words, the responsibility becomes yours to ensure that nothing or nobody spoils the day for you.

      It's amazing to realize that many don't know that they can choose to be happy and to live their days with joy and rejoicing. That's not to say that there wouldn't be occasions that might crop up to spoil the day for you. But with determination, resolve to be joyful. Consider that if God says that He's made the day for you to joy and rejoice in, that settles it. View anything and everything else to the contrary as an assault from your adversary to prevent your joy in accordance with God's will for you.

       In yet another place, we are told categorically that the lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places and that we have a goodly heritage (Psalms 16 stanza 6). Remember also that as you think in your heart, so you are (Proverbs  23 verse 7); with your heart also, you believe unto righteousness and with your mouth, confession is made unto salvation (Roman chapter 10 verse 10); also that you will eat good by the fruit of your mouth (Proverbs chapter 13 verse 2, see also chapter 18 verse 21). These are exciting and optimistic Biblical passages that show that we can take our destinies in our hands.

      According to W R Inge, "No Christian can be a pessimist, for Christianity is a system of radical optimism". How very true is this assertion! SO, BE RADICAL ABOUT YOUR FAITH, because since the days of John the Baptist, the Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force! (Matthew 11 verse 12).

       Be optimistic therefore about today, and indeed, about every given day, confess positively, in line with God's Word; for the just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10 verse 38)!


Dearest Heavenly Father, thank you for today and for everyday of my life. I believe that you have given me a beautiful and a glorious life which is manifesting today and indeed everyday of my life, in Jesus' mighty name.