"GATHER my saints together unto Me; those that have made a covenant with Me by SACRIFICE" - Psalms 50:5.

       Soon, there shall be a gathering. We call it RAPTURE! It's a word so many in the Church don't want to hear, more so as men have chosen to settle themselves here on earth. Many Pastors are afraid to teach about rapture because they also, like their erring members, are caught in the web of worldliness!

     But come to think of it: the teaching about rapture is originally meant to serve as comfort to the church. Apostle Paul, addressing the Thessalonians in 1 Thess 4:13-18, on this subject, told them " to comfort themselves with these words" (verse 18).

     The problem with us today is that we all want to go to heaven but through the back door, not by God's standards! Any so called child of God who does not " love His appearing " (2Tim 4:8), but is rather afraid of that day, should repent right away before it becomes too late. Such a one is no doubt caught up with the strings of worldliness and earthly lusts that war against the soul. In simple language, the moment you begin to view rapture with fear, it's a sign of apostasy that demands your urgent repentance!

       Make no mistake about this: the rapture is the very next item on God's agenda for mankind. From the passage cited (Ps 50:5), there shall be a gathering of saints unto God. Make no mistake about this also: all are not saints who claim to be so (Rom 9:6); a severance must be made!  But for now, the Lord is contented to "... let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, GATHER ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but GATHER the wheat into My barn" (Matt 13:30). Here, we see that there shall be two types of gathering: first, a gathering of the tares to be burned and another gathering of the wheat (true saints) into the Lord's barn. Now, the question is who are you between these two categories? It's either that you are in the category of tares or that you are in the category of wheat. Actually, the choice is yours!

    Therefore, let all who profess to be saints know that the qualification for being gathered unto JEHOVAH GOD is if you have made a covenant with Him by sacrifice. Your life must be one that is evidently seen to have put the world behind, with heaven in focus, seeking those things which are above, where Christ is seated on the right hand of God; with your affection set on things above, not on things on the earth. (Col 3:1-3) This is the grand test which some have dared to imitate. You MUST GENUINELY accept Jesus, the great propitiatory Sacrifice, as your Lord and Saviour. It does not stop there! So many think it does! You thereafter proceed to live for Him daily. This is the Bible way to Salvation: no more, no less; no short cut to it, no back door into it! Heaven is not a place for "formalists" who shall learn with regrets that worldliness has been their bane. It shall not be your portion, in Jesus name.


Dear Lord, I make a covenant with You by sacrificing to live for You daily. When You gather Your saints unto Yourself, I will be in the number, in Jesus name.