God says it, and I believe it, that settles it.

God says it, and I believe it, that settles it.


And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given unto us.” - Rom 5:5

There is someone reading this devotional this morning, I prophesy into your life that every activity of the enemy that is making you to weep shall come to an end this morning in Jesus’ mighty name. If only you can believe what the Word of God says concerning you, then you will experience the glory of God. Jesus said to Martha in the book of John.11.40 " ... if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?"

 Our Bible reading for today says

And hope maketh not ashamed".

We shall not be ashamed of our  hope in Christ in Jesus name. We shall not be disappointed in Jesus' name. We  shall never have cause to regret putting our confidence in the Lord Jesus, amen.

In God's kingdom, defeat is not part of the equation.

  The purpose or will of God for His children is to be the head and not the tail, to reign as kings, queen, princes, and princesses. He also wishes that they may prosper and be in good health.

But why are we not enjoying all of these beautiful benefits? The answer is not far-fetched:

  God does not deal with us based on what we pretend to be, but on who we truly are. With Him, it is either we are in or we are out. We can not be pretending and at the same time expect God to bless us with His promises. We might be able to deceive the people around us, but we can not deceive God because He is the All-knowing. "God is not mocked", the Bible says. He knows those who are truly His own, and He is committed to working in their favor, to see to it that they are not ashamed

"For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." - Rom.10.11 -

Faith is accepting God's facts over Satan's facts. By accepting God's facts, the devil is defeated. If you choose to believe the report of God, He will show up for you according to His facts. The fight of faith is a fight in the mind. Fighting the battle of the mind is very crucial. It is advisable that you renew your mind with the Word of God. In other words, you must take conscious efforts to look into the Word of God and to know what has been achieved for you in Christ Jesus. The volume of the Word of God you have on the inside will launch you far in life.

 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:..." Hos 4:6

  The level of your commitment to the Word will determine the level of His manifestation in you.

If l may ask: in what area of life are you trusting God to intervene for you this morning?

 Is it in your health, the life of your children, your business, your marriage, or what have you? You can always count on God to come through for you.

  Are you a true child of God? If the answer is yes, then that's all. Shame is far away from you and your family in Jesus Mighty name.


The Word of God is ever true and eternal. I shall not know or see anything called shame in my life and in my family in Jesus name.