This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine (3 times)

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Text:  Psalm.50:2;  Isaiah.60:1-3; Matthew.5:14-16.

Psalm 50:2. "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined"

Zion was the place God chose to dwell in the Old Testament times. It was made perfect in beauty by the Lord's dwelling, and that beauty was seen by all observers as the Lord shone forth from Her.

Days have passed that God dwelt in Tabernacles made by human hands. God has chosen to take His dwelling on the inside of us, HIS ELECTS.

God did not only shine in Zion but also out of Her, giving light to all around Her.

Matthew 5:14-16 Ye are the Light of the World, A City set on a hill.....

The Majesty of God is most conspicuous among His ELECTS , that is the CHURCH. The Church is not a dark lantern, but a Candlestick that gives light to the dark world. The whole world lies in total darkness. God has put His light in us not only to light us up but also to give Light to the world. Like Zion that shines forth upon the nations around her, we've got to light up the world with the Light of Christ which is in us.

Our God is a God of evangelism, He has decided to make you and I signs of His goodness to the world, showing forth His Praise.

Isaiah.60:1-3. "ARISE, SHINE; for thy Light is come...."  This is not a suggestion but a command. God can not ask you to do what He has not given you the ability to do. He has deposited in you  and I all it will take for us to shine. But note that our shining is tied to our rising.

Isaiah 52:1-3. AWAKE, AWAKE; Put on thy Strength, O Zion; put on thy Beautiful  Garment ..." As this Word is coming to you, the ability has come your way, change has come, your circumstance is changing for good, in Jesus name. You've just got to seize the opportunity by faith and do the unusual.

 You are Zion, the perfection of beauty. God has called you to show forth His praise. It's your year of THE SUPERNATURAL. Don't just sit there; awake from your slumber, you've dwelt on this mountain for too long. This is your time, rise up and shine forth. This is your season of manifestation, in Jesus name. 🙏 🙏 🙏


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for making me your tabernacle, your dwelling place. May your glory in me and upon me shine forth, bringing light to the dark world around me, in Jesus name.