I will follow You

I will  follow You

I will never leave You Jesus

I will follow You


"Instead find the site that GOD, your God, will choose and mark it with his name as a common center for all the tribes of Israel. Assemble there..." (Deuteronomy chapter 12 verses 5 to 6, The Message Bible)

  The Bible admonishes us to seek God at the place He has designated to be found . This is to mean that, it's not every place of worship that is graced with God's presence, where we can worship Him with our tithes and offering, but only the place He has appointed for that purpose. The Bible says,

"But unto the place which the LORD your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come: And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and heave offerings of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks:" (Deuteronomy chapter 12 verses 5 to 6).

In other words, it's imperative that we be careful with getting a place  to worship God. To arrive at the right place to worship and to serve God, it's important that we do so with prayer and with the Spirit's guidance.

   For instance, why have you chosen that particular Church as the place of worship? Do you truly consider that Church as a good place to nurture your soul and spirit in the path of life? Do you have the Holy Spirit's leading to be there? Do you have it as a place where He called you to serve Him?

Truly, a good place of worship is worth the search, irrespective of the distance. The people of old searched and flocked unto John the Baptist in the wilderness, not minding the distance and the inconveniences of the wilderness. They shun the beauty and convenience that prevailed in the city of Jerusalem to attend service in the wilderness. These people sincerely sought the Master for the salvation of their souls! If Jesus comes today, will He find such seekers on earth?  Could the real reason for your being in that Church be to serve the Master or could it be for the furtherance of your business or social interest? Some may choose a place of worship over another, simply because they feel that in that place, there are well meaning brethren in attendance who will meet their business interests.

  King David, discretely instructed Solomon his son to seek God with a pure heart, so that He would be found by him and also that he would be blessed by Him. In 1st Chronicles chapter 28 verse 9, the Bible says,

"And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever."

  In the search for a place of worship, we must beware of our motives and intentions so that God would be found by us and that we might be blessed by Him.


Help me Lord to set my motives right as I seek to know and serve You in Jesus Mighty name.