I have joy like a river
joy like a river
joy like a river
In my soul. (2 times)
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit." (Psalm 51 stanza 12)
True joy and happiness can be found only in our God. Anything outside of Him, there is no true happiness and joy.
The Psalmist recognized the importance of salvation and what accompanies it. Salvation brings along with it, God’s joy, which overflows the heart daily and unto life everlasting.
The joy of salvation springs up in our hearts like cold water poured upon a thirsty soul. Truth is, a soul without Christ is a thirsty soul. It's like the ground that is parched due to lack of water or rain. Such ground can not give life to anything.
Many lives are not productive because they are like dry grounds that can not give life to anything. But when such lives are brought in contact with Christ the Lifegiver, they get refreshed and become fruitful. The Life of God rejuvenates the dead, brings it back into existence; just like the bones in the valley of dry bones in the book of Ezekiel 37 verses 1 to 10.
God's Life in us turns everything anew. As water quickens dry plants, so are our lives quickened by God's life in Christ Jesus, leading to untold nourishment.
From the Scripture reading for today, we see King David coming out of a very devastating situation. He was drawn away from his God as a result of sin. He thirsted for reinstatement, crying,
"Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."
God did restore him back to his desired state.
Many have been drawn away from the path of life, which has resulted in their dryness. Until they find their way back to their Creator and Source of Life, they can't experience the joy we are talking about.
The new life in Christ Jesus is able to restore in us the much desired newness and the good purpose which God originally created us for. There are riches and divine graces embedded in the new life that Christ has imputed in us. Hallelujah!
Why don't you draw nearer unto God so that you may enjoy the joy of salvation, with your heart flooded and bursting with all the good things that are consequent upon being in Christ.
Thank You Heavenly Father for flooding my heart with the rivers of living water that springs unto everlasting joy.