" ... and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do"  (Genesis chapter 11 verse 6)

"For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off." (Proverbs chapter 23 verse 18)

Great is the power of imagination! Even the Lord Himself attests to this fact in Genesis chapter 11 verse 6, above referred. Let's attempt to define imagination: It is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects, not present to the senses. It is the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful. In other words, it is the formation of ideas, images or concepts in the mind, concerning issues that are of importance or of relevance to the one whose mind is being exercised thereat. Some people may call it "day-dreaming". I agree, to a large extent.

     Learn to imagine good things about yourself; learn to imagine good, progressive ideas and concepts about issues that concern you and your surroundings. Through this process, great ideas like Microsoft, Facebook, the Web, Email, Kodak, Telephone, Aircraft, Printing, Television, Radio, Electricity, etc were enacted.

         Imaginations are "day dreams" of whatever you may want to accomplish in life. For a child of God who is Holy Ghost filled, imaginations under His influence can be very powerful. He gives and propels them! These are the days of visions and dreams! The outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon men by God is meant to occasion Holy Ghost inspired dreams and visions. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:" (Joel chapter 2 verse 28).

       There are people who are good night dreamers. There are others still who seldom dream. Here's the point, If you are not a good "night dreamer"  like Joseph, I counsel you to be a good "day dreamer". In  other words, if God doesn't give you a night dream about your life, give yourself one, by daydreaming. God honors it as well!. He calls it "imaginations". You may also call it "visions"; if you like. No one, not even the devil, can deny you anything you imagine to do or to become in life (Genesis chapter 11 verse 6). Imaginations are very powerful. In Genesis chapter 11 verses 6 to 8, it took God Himself to stop what the people had imagined to do. Some years ago, l imagined myself being a Barrister at Law and eventually I became one. That was what I wanted. I imagined it, worked towards it and it became a reality. Many other things l've imagined have been accomplished in my life.

      We are currently in the age of digital photography! But before now, the photographer exposes his "negative" film to an image he wants, and then, he takes it to the laboratory to print out into a picture. To "imagine" something in your mind is to have an "image in your mind" of something you desire. My discovery is that it is what you have in your mind that God "prints" out for you in life. To have an image of something in your mind, coupled with a dire longing for its accomplishment is called an "expectation".

      An expectation may take time to fulfill; but the Word of God assures us that "...surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off " (Proverbs chapter 23 verse 18). What is more, the time for its fulfillment shall surely also come as there is time for everything, including your expectations (Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1).

     This is so, so powerful. It's like a blank cheque handed to you by God Himself. If l were you, l would begin to dream or imagine BIG!


Father, l receive the grace and power to imagine great purposes in my life to the end that l might show forth your praise and glory before men. Thank you for meeting me at the points of my expectation, in Jesus name.