You are the reason, why I lift my hands, why I lift my voice

Why I sing to You

You are the reason, I'm alive today, why I'm here to say

It's all because of You

You are the reason, You are the reason,

You are the reason,  You are the reason.


When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. - (Psalm stanza126 verse 1 to 2.)

  I have good news for someone reading the devotional this morning

There is a greater future for you my dear sister or brother.

You are not going to end up like this in Jesus Mighty. God is picking up the broken pieces of your life and rearranging them into much more honorable vessels. Hallelujah!

 No matter how tough things may be now, you will surely laugh with evident testimonies before the end of this year in Jesus name

   I don't know if I have a believer reading this devotional. The Lord is turning your shame into fame, your pain into gain, your poverty unto prosperity, your losses into profits, your disappointments unto appointments, your disgrace into grace, and so on and so forth.

    The more our challenges, the greater the miracles and louder the testimonies. The louder also should be our thanks to God, who came through for us by preserving us to witness the beautiful outcome.

      Don't allow this present situation to blur your vision of the greater tomorrow. Let not your griefs mar the melody of your praise. Whatever you are going through shall serve as the bass key of your song tomorrow.


  There was a certain time in our lives that we wanted to get a particular thing for our use. We were restricted from doing that by our leaders at that time. We had the means to get that very thing, but we had to comply with the order from above. In lieu of that, we therefore decided to sow the means into the ministry, in the area where there was a need. Within a period of three months after, God raised up some group of people to meet that need in a tremendous way. God gave us what was better than what we actually wanted.

Like the Psalmist, it was like a dream to me. Most times, I would pinch myself, whether I was in a dream or not, because what I got was too good to be true.  That is exactly what God is doing in someone's life this year in Jesus Mighty name. The Bible says that

"It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when GOD returned Zion's exiles." - Psalms stanza126 verse 1 -  [MSB]

What God will do in your life will beat your imagination and the imaginations of others in Jesus Mighty name.


God is rearranging every broken piece of my life into a vessel of super honor, in Jesus Mighty name.